per la serie:"a bit of English isn't hell", voilà:

On the eve of the UN Security Council resolution on Western Sahara, Morocco unleashes an intensive diplomatic campaign


WSO, 26 Mar 02

At the end of April, the members of the UN Security Council must decide which of the four "options"* proposed by the UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, must be undertaken for the solution of the conflict of Western Sahara.
Morocco has unleashed an intensive diplomatic campaign before these member countries in the approach of a session considered "decisive" on the future of Western Sahara.
It's worth to recall that, in an interview with the French daily 'Le Figaro', the King extolled himself by saying: "I have tackled the issue of [Western] Sahara which poisoned us for twenty five years". [...] "We worked hard, during eighteen months and in the strictest confidentiality, in order to have eleven members of UN Security Council recognize the legitimacy of Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara."
Morocco, which too quickly considered that the option of the "third way" was acquired [considering the King's imprudent announcement], seems to realize now that nothing has really been tackled.
The "third way" [autonomy under Moroccan rule] is the only 'option' considered acceptable by Morocco. An option which is nothing but political cant and an excuse to refurbish the illegal occupation of Western Sahara.

