3D world Welcomes:)

3d models - 3d Objects

Entro Nel Film (Educational multimedia Project)
Poemas inéditos de Dylia


Everything about ActiveWorldsHome of the 3D Internet, Virtual Reality and Community Chat

anteprima :)

How much for the inauguration day?

Loading the special browser, free, you will discover
that Hyria is a virtual 3D world.  Much more than a
chat, much more than a game.    
It is not the usual site with doodles and more
repetitive ordinary photos.  
You will found in a three-dimensional environment
devoting Italy, with virtual reconstruction of the
historical center of the mysterious tourist town of
the south. Looking around,  you will also notice some
figures that are stiring. They are not a simple
animations. Behind them there are true people,
connected by various places of the world and that they
are meeting each other in the chat, walking, exploring
and also realizing and making experimental 3D
The idea of the reconstruction, in virtual environment
and chat of Hyria, is also to represents a good
occasion of meeting by distance between all the
citizens of Oria and outskirtses that today are living
shed for the world for the most varied reasons.   
The browser ActiveWorlds is a kind of parallel
internet, three-dimensional, where the traditional
"sites" are corresponding to the instead "worlds",
links are teleports, internal addresses are 3D
coordinates and navigation is really 3D. You could
find more than thousand different worlds to explore
and to save your favorite places to visit again. You
will meet eccentric ideas and fantastic constructions.
Hyria is today one of these worlds.   
After the downloading and installation of the browser
Actiworlds you will discover, that there is two
available statuses for presence there in entering:
 1. As tourists (completely free you can visit worlds,
premited for the entering for the tourists, in certain
worlds as Hyria you will have even the possibility to
build your house-space 3d)
 2. As citizens (by payment you could utilize numerous
confortable further potentialities and services, that
could make our browzing and contacts more sterling). 
The "environment" ActiveWorlds have been born by idea
of the presupposition of the civil co-existence with
the respect of the spaces built by others and
everything that it allows to make the most pleasant
possible the opportunity to meet people of the whole
(the site is under construction)


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Hyria: Locations, artistic, historical and geographical references.
Dibujos de los niños de la Escuela Elemental Estatal SABIN, de Turín (Italia) Visita Adesso :)Original exposición interactiva de Massimo Greco: visitando este sitio, vosotros podréis picar sobre los visitadores para agrandar cosa están mirando... o bien descubrir las zonas interactivas de una foto.

Artistas: Visita el sitio de Massimo Capodieci p h o t o g r a p h e r