Cassini Interdisciplinary Investigations:

Titan's Chemistry and Exobiology (IDS)

IDS: Dr. François Raulin

Interdisciplinary Scientist:

Dr. François Raulin
Lab. Interuniversitaire des Systemes Atmos. (LISA)
61, Ave du Général de Gaulle
(94010) Créteil Cédex

General Description of Interdisciplinary Investigation:

This Huygens Project interdisciplinary scientific investigation is concerned with a study of the organic chemistry in Titan's environment and its implications for exobiology and the origins of life. The investigation will make use of the Cassini/Huygens science data base to determine the nature of the organic chemistry in Titan's atmosphere, on its surface, and in its oceans.

Scientific Objectives of Interdisciplinary Investigation:

For additional information on the Interuniversity Laboratory for Atmospheric Systems (LISA), directed by F. Raulin, see