
Cassini Interdisciplinary Investigation:

Titan Aeronomy (IDS)

IDS: Dr. Daniel Gautier

Interdisciplinary Scientist:

Dr. Daniel Gautier
Dept. De Recherche Spatiale (DESPA)
Observatoire de Paris-Meudon
(92195) Meudon CŽdex

General Description of Interdisciplinary Investigation:

This Huygens Project interdisciplinary scientific investigation is concerned with the study of Titan atmospheric aerosols, photochemistry, general circulation, and origins. The investigation will make use of the Cassini/Huygens science data base to determine the detailed nature of interactions within the upper atmosphere of Titan.

Scientific Objectives of Interdisciplinary Investigation:

For additional information on the Space Research Department of the Paris Observatory, see http://despa.obspm.fr/ (Paris Observatory DESPA homepage).