The Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA) is intended to provide direct
observations of particulate matter in the Saturnian system, to
investigate the physical, chemical, and dynamical properties of
these particles, and to study their interactions with the rings,
icy satellites, and magnetosphere of Saturn.
CDA Scientific Objectives:
To extend studies of interplanetary dust (sizes and orbits)
to the orbit of Saturn.
To define dust and meteoroid distribution (sizes, orbits,
composition) near the rings.
To map the size distribution of ring material in and near
the known rings.
To analyse the chemical compositions of ring particles.
To study processes (erosional and electromagnetic) responsible
for E ring structure.
To search for ring particles beyond the known E ring.
To study the effect of Titan on the Saturn dust complex.
To study the chemical composition of icy satellites from
studies of ejecta particles.
To determine the role of icy satellites as a source for ring
To determine the role that dust plays as a magnetospheric
charged particle source/sink.
CDA Sensing Instruments:
Dust Analyzer.
High Rate Detector.
CDA Instrument Characteristics:
Mass (current best estimate) = 16.36 kg
Peak Operating Power (current best estimate) = 18.38 W (including
Average Operating Power (current best estimate) = 11.38 W
Peak Data Rate (current best estimate) = 0.524 kilobits/s
Dimensions (approximate) = 50.7 cm length x 45.0 cm diameter;
81 cm x 67 cm x 45 cm overall