Cassini's high-gain antenna is able to operate at S, X, Ka, and Ku-band frequencies. In addition to communications (X-band between Earth and orbiter, and S-band from probe to orbiter), radio science measurements are also possible for probing Saturn and satellite gravity fields, rings, atmospheres, and surfaces. This artist's conception illustrates the capacity of the Cassini radar to map the haze-enshrouded surface of Titan using the Ku-band frequency. Radar images of the surface are taken at a typical resolution of about 500 meters. Altimetry and passive radiometry measurements are also made. Approximately 1% of Titan's surface can be mapped by the high-resolution Cassini radar during a Titan flyby. Full mapping coverage of Titan will be accomplished by combining the high-resolution radar mapping with lower-resolution passive radiometry. (P-46225AC)