Voyager 2 obtained this closeup view of Saturn's satellite Hyperion on Aug. 24 from a distance of about 500,000 kilometers (300,000 miles). This photograph was compiled from three separate images taken through violet, clear and green filters. It shows Hyperion to be an irregular, disc-shaped body. Its longest dimension is 360 km. (225 mi.), but in this view, it presents a face measuring 325 km. by 250 km. (200 mi. by 150 mi.). The irregular shape is probably a result of repeated impacts that have taken off large pieces of the satellite. The large indentation at the bottom limb is one such crater; it is about 100 km. (60 mi.) across. The numerous small pits are impact craters, the smallest measuring about 10-20 km. (6-12 mi.) across. The Voyager project is managed for NASA by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. (P-23936)