Guides : MOBILE

Google Wants Testers for Mobile AdSense PC World via Yahoo! News
Google Inc. has begun inviting mobile Web site developers to display Google ads on their sites as part of a limited beta test.
LG, Samsung Lead In Mobile TV Phones In U.S. TechWeb via Yahoo! News
New data suggests that consumers are warming up to the idea of watching TV programming on the small screen of a mobile phone.
Mobile Home Management Doesn't Pay Water Bill Central Florida News 13
A mobile home community in South Orlando has a water fight on its hands. 
Board to hear first request for rise in rent: Mobile home park seeks 2.9% increase The Patriot Ledger
ROCKLAND - For the first time since it was created a year ago, Rockland’s rent control board will be asked to approve a rent increase in the town’s largest mobile home park.
Google Wants Testers for Mobile AdSense PC World
Developers can earn money by accepting AdSense advertisements for mobile devices.
Sector Glance: Mobile Phones AP via Yahoo! Finance
Shares of mobile phone makers retreated slightly on Friday, with BlackBerry maker Research in Motion Ltd. a notable exception as the company's stock hit a record high after three days of solid gains.
NAFL boasts two squads from Mobile Mobile Press-Register
Shark sightings are taking place in the Mobile area and the creatures aren't being spotted in Gulf waters. The Mobile Sharks football team will play the first home game of its inaugural season tonight, hosting the New Orleans Firepower at Medal of Honor Park at 7:30.
Gonzalez homers as Mobile takes down Smokies again Mobile Press-Register
Carlos Gonzalez hit his third homer in two games and Mobile turned two Tennessee errors into runs as the BayBears topped the Smokies 4-1 in Southern League action Friday night in Sevierville, Tenn.
Mobile broadband to take off after 2008 Washington Post
Mobile broadband connections are expected to reach 40 million worldwide by the end of 2008, according to figures released Thursday by Wireless Intelligence.
Mobile Partnership: Socket Mobile Strengthens Channel With New Partner And Service Programs WirelessWorkforceOnline
Socket Communications, Inc. dba Socket Mobile, Inc., an innovative provider of mobile productivity solutions, recently introduced two new partner programs to support resellers of the company's business mobility system.

21-23/11/2007: i tre giorni dell’ict
Voce su rete IP, mentre nella terza vengono affrontate le tematiche proprie della comunicazione <b>mobile</b> e wireless. La presenza di un&#8217;area espositiva nella quale saranno organizzati i momenti di
sezione ot no spam - perpetuum <b>mobile</b> per perdere tempo
14/07/2007, 12:50:29 Ultimo msg di: elFranZ in: perpetuum <b>mobile</b> (per perdere tempo)
2.0: il futuro della telefonia <b>mobile</b> per ericsson è già qui!
Mentre ci si abitua pian piano al concetto di Web 2.0, Ericsson annuncia che i suoi giorni sono contati. In un whitepaper appena pubblicato, il vendor svedese sostiene che a spodestare l'internet
telefonica: pt non cede vivo, mentre telecom italia pronta a uscire da
La quota detenuta da Portugal Telecom in Vivo, il maggiore operatore <b>mobile</b> brasiliano, non è in vendita. Lo ha ribadito il presidente della società Henrique Granadeiro, sottolineando anche al Financial Times
recensione sony ericsson w580i
<b>Mobile</b>-review ha effettuato una recensione del nuovo Sony Ericsson W580i&#8230;. clicca qui per visionare recensione (more&#8230;)
lombardia -mercanti di liquore-
fatto l'inchino   Imparammo la chitarra per avere un occasione per paura di sentirci come un <b>mobile</b> a Lissone Poi ci siamo travestiti da soldati di ventura per cercare di scalare questa ripida
i segreti di antonello da messina
Il connubio tra scienza ed arte è sempre più forte. Il restauro di opere d'arte, capolavori racchiusi nei musei italiani, scrigni di cultura, si avvale sempre più di tecniche sofisticate che hanno l'
motorola annuncia perdite secondo trimestre
Mentre il mondo della telefonia <b>mobile</b> è concentrato sull'uscita del dispositivo Apple, alcuni produttori storici iniziano a sentire i primi scossoni. Il colosso statunitense Motorola, numero due per la produzione di cellulari, ha
francia: quarta licenza 3g cerca candidato
A meno di tre settimane dallo scadere dell?offerta per la quarta licenza di telefonia <b>mobile</b> di terza generazione in Francia, solo Iliad e Numericable Noos si sono fatte avanti con una proposta che rispetti le condizioni. Questo tiepido entusiasmo ha insinuato il dubbio che serva un
operatore del kuwait lancia ipo a ottobre
(Mtc), che si è da poco aggiudicata un gara per operare come terza compagnia di telefonia <b>mobile</b> in Arabia Saudita, ha reso nota l?intenzione di lanciare un?offerta pubblica per i 700 milioni in
mobile: Mobile Partnership: Socket Mobile Strengthens Channel With New Partner And Service Programs WirelessWorkforceOnline mobile phone jeu mobile telephone mobile nokia mobile: Mobile Partnership: Socket Mobile Strengthens Channel With New Partner And Service Programs WirelessWorkforceOnline

Google Wants Testers for Mobile AdSense PC World via Yahoo! News
Google Inc. has begun inviting mobile Web site developers to display Google ads on their sites as part of a limited beta test.
LG, Samsung Lead In Mobile TV Phones In U.S. TechWeb via Yahoo! News
New data suggests that consumers are warming up to the idea of watching TV programming on the small screen of a mobile phone.
Mobile Home Management Doesn't Pay Water Bill Central Florida News 13
A mobile home community in South Orlando has a water fight on its hands. 
Board to hear first request for rise in rent: Mobile home park seeks 2.9% increase The Patriot Ledger
ROCKLAND - For the first time since it was created a year ago, Rockland’s rent control board will be asked to approve a rent increase in the town’s largest mobile home park.
Google Wants Testers for Mobile AdSense PC World
Developers can earn money by accepting AdSense advertisements for mobile devices.
Sector Glance: Mobile Phones AP via Yahoo! Finance
Shares of mobile phone makers retreated slightly on Friday, with BlackBerry maker Research in Motion Ltd. a notable exception as the company's stock hit a record high after three days of solid gains.
NAFL boasts two squads from Mobile Mobile Press-Register
Shark sightings are taking place in the Mobile area and the creatures aren't being spotted in Gulf waters. The Mobile Sharks football team will play the first home game of its inaugural season tonight, hosting the New Orleans Firepower at Medal of Honor Park at 7:30.
Gonzalez homers as Mobile takes down Smokies again Mobile Press-Register
Carlos Gonzalez hit his third homer in two games and Mobile turned two Tennessee errors into runs as the BayBears topped the Smokies 4-1 in Southern League action Friday night in Sevierville, Tenn.
Mobile broadband to take off after 2008 Washington Post
Mobile broadband connections are expected to reach 40 million worldwide by the end of 2008, according to figures released Thursday by Wireless Intelligence.
Mobile Partnership: Socket Mobile Strengthens Channel With New Partner And Service Programs WirelessWorkforceOnline
Socket Communications, Inc. dba Socket Mobile, Inc., an innovative provider of mobile productivity solutions, recently introduced two new partner programs to support resellers of the company's business mobility Mobile Partnership: Socket Mobile Strengthens Channel With New Partner And Service Programs WirelessWorkforceOnline mobile phone jeu mobile telephone mobile nokia mobile: Mobile Partnership: Socket Mobile Strengthens Channel With New Partner And Service Programs WirelessWorkforceOnline