

Acton Institute conferences on Centesimus Annus conclude
Thomas Williams, LC (Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum;); Dr. Andrea Schneider (Office of the German Federal Chancellor). After the conference, there was a pleasant supper (of course) for some of the invited at a place along the
Fr Paul Haffner
He is tenured at the Regina Apostolorum; University (Legionaries of Christ) and also gives some courses at the Gregorian University (Jesuits). Fr Haffner is a priest of the Diocese of Portsmouth but has spent nearly all his priestly life
On the Church's Institutions of Higher Learning
Interview With Rector of Regina Apostolorum; ROME, APRIL 4, 2007 (Zenit) - The role of Church-related
Report: Europe must be re-evangelized and rediscover its roots
It was organized by the Institute for Higher Studies on Women of the Regina Apostolorum; Pontifical University in Rome. In an interview with Fides, Patricia Martínez Peroni said conference participants agreed that Europe has chosen to
My foot
As Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina Apostolorum; Pontifical Athenaeum, explains in his column of 28 March 2006:. [T]here has been no change in the universal norm which reserves this rite to men as stated in the
Benedict Roundup January - Easter 2007
"Sacramentum Caritatis" and Liturgical Beauty - Interview with Father McNamara, a professor of liturgy at the Regina Apostolorum; university in Rome. March 19, 2007. The Key to "Sacramentum Caritatis" - Interview with Father Nicola Bux,
Regina Apostolorum, seminari sulla donna
Riflessioni nell'ateneo con esponenti del mondo della cultura su diversi temi che riguardano la realtà femminile di PM. "Dico": nessuna battaglia di retorguardia di Agenzia Sir
Masses for Non-Catholic Officials
ROME, MARCH 8, 2007 (Zenit) - Answered by Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina Apostolorum;
Not to say I told you so, BUT
Writing on National Review Online, Father Thomas D. Williams, LC, dean of theology at Rome’s Regina Apostolorum; University and Vatican Analyst for NBC News and MSNBC, had this to say:. Though the bishops’ committee stopped short of any
Pope Benedict, Islam and the Prospect of Reform
On Religious Fundamentalism and Terrorism - Zenit News interviews Joan-Andreu Rocha Scarpetta, professor and director of the master's program on the Church, Ecumenism and Religions of the Regina Apostolorum; Pontifical University of Rome
Il Regina Apostolorum è uno degli ospedali più longevi del territorio castellano, è stato fondato nel 1949, ha una capienza di 250 posti letto e ogni anno
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Regina Apostolorum Albano
Regina Apostolorum Albano. Tuesday, January 30, 2007. Regina Apostolorum Albano. posted by Juan at 8:13 AM | 0 Comments
Roma - Univeristà Pontificia Regina Apostolorum 24-25-26 Ottobre 2003
Padre Paolo Scarafoni (Rettore Università Pontificia Regina Apostolorum). • h. 9,45. Introduzione al convegno. Esponente della FNOMCeO. • h. 10,00
Lezione inaugurale del Master di Bioetica dell’Ateneo Pontificio
Giovedì 9 novembre 2006, alle ore 15, a Roma, presso l’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum (via degli Aldobrandeschi 190), si terrà la lezione inaugurale
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