Re: Share Drive in Win98 MS-DOS Mode It's "Exit to DOS;.pif;", which comes into existance the first time you go Shutdown, Restart in MSDOS; Mode. The default "Exit to DOS;.pif;" is pretty manky, as it uses the same boot configuration as Win9x GUI - which should mean no mouse, Re: Share Drive in Win98 MS-DOS Mode Jeff Richards | MS; MVP (Windows - Shell/User) Couldn't that be handled in some fashion via "exit to dos;.pif;" or was that exit to dos;.bat? I seem to remember using the doswzcfg from kernel toys to set those perimeters in 95 - early 98 HOWTO-install-Pegasus for use with Demon, MS-DOS version The change of name to "HOWTO-install-Pegasus for use with Demon, MS;-DOS; version" was inspired by the equivalent document for the Windows environment. PART A - What bits are needed ~~~~~~ 1) Is there a better alternative to the PcElm Re: MS DOS Conventional Memory >I am calling an MS DOS; database application through a shortcut on the > >desktop > > in Vista. I get "Insufficient Conventional Memory" errors. Changing the > > memory parameters in the shortcut properties has no effect. Re: Is Windows Vista index-based full-text search powerful enough? "Exit to DOS;.pif;" finds "Exit to DOS;.pif;". So, also *.EXE *.COM *.SCR *.CMD *.BAT *.PIF; *.CPL finds any files that are designed to run raw code when "opened". In XP, this changed; to do the same thing in XP< I have to do this. Re: Pregunta :sesi&oacute;n MSdos para hacer ping Ahora en la consola de ms;-dos; escribe ping seguido de la dirección > que quieres comprobar > > Saludos > Arqus > > PD: el fichero pif; es el icono en el que pinchabas. El error te lo da > porque es un acceso directo a un fichero llamado Re: newbie questions This provides a way to load ANSI.SYS. There is also an "MS;-DOS; Prompt.pif;" link. XP tends to hide the extensions on .lnk and .pif; files, so one typically needs to fix that problem to be able to see the extensions with Explorer. PFW.pif virus or worm or trojan - spreads via pen drivesflash PFW.pif; comes as a hidden file I first saw in a pen drive (also variously called flash drive to thumb drive to thumbnail drive)Anyway the hidden file is labelled as an MSDOS; shortcut but it is a trojan or worm or virus or whatever. Icons won't open programs XP When I click on an icon it opens a DOS; window with "C\WINDOWS\_default.ptf" written across the top and then an error window pops up with "16 bit MS;-DOS; System" with this written in it "Invalid program file name, please check your pif; Antwort auf: mal wieder neuer ICQ-Virus 00:50 von quux Die PIF;-Dateien sind ein Überbleibsel aus der alten MS;-DOS; Zeit. PIF;-Dateien sind ähnlich wie EXE, COM oder BAT-Dateien ausführbar. Diese Eigenschaft wird allerdings von Viren-Programmierern dazu missbraucht Computer zu infizieren. W32/Rbot-AMR - Spyware-Wurm - Sophos Bedrohungsanalyse Folgende Registrierungseinträge werden erstellt, damit ms-dos.pif beim Start MS-DOS Security Service ms-dos.pif. W32/Rbot-AMR enthält Funktionen zum: What Do You Mean, "DOS"? This is the default mode for .pif files that are set to run in MS-DOS mode (e.g. "Exit to DOS.pif"), but it's pretty useless for three reasons: W32/Rbot-ANQ - Ver - Analyse des menaces par Sophos Le ver se copie dans un fichier nommé ms-dos.pif présent dans le dossier "ms-dos.pif". W32/Rbot-ANQ peut être commandé par un attaquant distant via des W32/Rbot-AMR - Ver espion - Analyse des menaces par Sophos Pour exécuter ms-dos.pif au démarrage, les entrées de registre suivantes sont créées : MS-DOS Security Service ms-dos.pif. W32/Rbot-AMR inclut des MS-DOS Boot Service, X, Boot32.pif, Added by the RBOT-AMF WORM! MS-DOS Security Service, X, ms-dos.pif, Added by the RBOT-AMR WORM! MS-DOS Service, X Worm/Rbot.153600.2 - Vollständig %SYSDIR%\ms-dos.pif Die anfänglich ausgeführte Kopie der Malware wird gelöscht. "MS-DOS Security Service"="ms-dos.pif". Infektion über das Netzwerk
ms+dos+pif: ms+dos+pif