

Jordan trip, in order
Today being holy day;, shops were closed although there were makeshift shops in front of the closed shops selling a wide variety of merchandise. It was very crowded and there was much more traditional dress in this part of town.
Passover Seder My best wishes to my Jewish reader
You can call the American president a mass murderer and book a flight to New York the next day;. You can lament the average American's supposed lack of culture and savvy and meanwhile send off for the documents for the Green Card; lottery
Holy Moses, I have been deceived
It was recently dropped by the American Jewish; Committee, finally, decades after it should have been, and last I checked, it was heavily into Rupert Murdoch's pockets (which is the only way these days; that free-market-loving Podhoretzes
The death fence of Atarot. PLUS Deep tension over Jerusalem holy
The Al-Aqsa Mosque appears in both posters - a rare instance of Palestinian national unity these days;, in the paradisical cafe in Kafr Aqab, a Jerusalem neighborhood whose residents carry blue ID cards; and pay municipal taxes,
From Sharpsville to Nablus: Tragedies of Ethnic Apartheid
Jewish; inhabitants of the West Bank (like all Jewish; Israelis) have different ID cards;, proclaiming their "Jewish;" nationality, granting them automatic permission to access the modern roads and almost all holy; sites that most
The Anatomy of Sect Education:Examining Bible Classes in Public
Why should students care if some upstart named Jesus tried to convince the Jewish; people some 2000 years ago to engage in some kind of reformation of their faith, a reformation that to this day; failed to take hold within the collective
The Kingdom of God II: Circles and Lines, Journeys and Destinations
It is this neglect, as well, which has led, I believe, to the church’s neglect of the message of the Holy; Spirit. As Dan Eleden of the Cerulean Sanctum has noted, “we’ve reduced the Holy; Spirit to some index cards; with a few memorized
Jesus X. Christ
I've been in her church (the Church of the Holy; Whore) in Marseilles--she's supposed to have a little more divinity than good ole Mamma Mary to that city's faithful; yes, I mean that Holy; of Holy; mothers, that Mary, the underage Jewish;
Washington Post Features Archbishop Milingo
It had been a big day; for Waldman, however. Though blowing the shofar -- a curved piece of ram's horn used like a trumpet -- is usually reserved for the Jewish High Holy Days;, Waldman now blows his at every opportunity.
Like Jewish; stars Hank Greenberg and Sandy Koufax before him, Blomberg refused to play ball on the High Holy Days;, but as a part-timer - and admittedly not a Hall of Famer like his predecessors - his stand garnered less notice (Epstein
Jewish High Holy Days (Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur)
The Jewish High Holy Days are observed during the 10 day period between the why the Shofar is important, holiday recipes, e-cards to send, and more.
High Holy Days
Temple Jeremiah’s policy requires that High Holy Day Membership Identification Cards be distributed only if 25 percent or more of the member’s current
High Holy Days
High Holy Days and yom kippur. ben (son of) Ahikam, the Jewish governor of Israel, a critical event after the destruction of the first Bait Hamikdash.
Jewish New Year 2006
One of the ongoing themes of the High Holy Days is the concept that God has Hallmark’s Tree of Life brand offers more than 90 cards for Jewish New Year
High Holy Days: Tree of Life Judaica & Books - The Jewish Book and
Shabbat, High Holy Days, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Hanukkah, Tu B'Shevat, Purim, Passover Greeting Cards, Rosh Hashanah, Pomegranates Code:053799009983
Home and Time: Two Intertwining Themes For High Holy Days 5767
It’s About Time to strengthen our Jewish home by participating in the High Holy Days. Appeal, which sustains our synagogue’s programs and staff.
Roxbury Latin School - Latinet / The High Holy Days Address of Sam
by recognizing the Jewish High Holy Days, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, set of baseball cards recognizing the 143 Jewish ballplayers who have played
j. - High Holy Day blues: crowds and high ticket prices
As the High Holy Days approach, unaffiliated Jews at work, parties and cafes compare synagogues like playing cards, trying to make the best bet.
Forgotten Jews - JPSI
The letter advised that we were preparing to mail High Holy Days cards at no charge, but we needed to know how many Jewish prisoners were at that particular
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