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Kristine Peters - Learning on the Move, Mobile Technologies in
Pointing out that mobile technology is already embedded in our lives, this report argues that mobile learning is not merely traditional teaching on small devices. "The interactivity of mobile technologies creates new teaching and
The next phase of Enterprise Mobility fueled by Nokia
McDowell identified four building blocks that Nokia has identified as necessary to drive next phase of enterprise mobility and the maturity of mobile solutions for business, and that Nokia is taking to address these needs:
Growth of online and mobile music and new technology
Music Industry Stocks Investor and Industry Portal Updates Directory of Public Companies in Sector as the Music Industry Undergoes ChangeGrowth of online and mobile music and new technology creates investor opportunities [SANEPR 25
Tremendous Value in Gently-Used Mobile Training Trailer
For sale or lease, EventPro is now offering a deluxe double-expandable semi-trailer at a huge discount. Easily customized, this trailer is available immediately for any mobile training or marketing tour. [SANEPR 1 September, 2006
Nokia 6280: The Latest Mobile Phone
Mobile phones have become quite indispensable to our lifestyles in the modern world. Most of us are using mobiles, albeit for different purposes. Some of us might be using our handsets for effective communication; we want to stay
O2 Germany to offer mobile business flatrate
O2 Germany will introduce a flatrate for its business customers, called O2 Business Flat on 28 November. The flatrate will include calls to German fixed networks and O2 Germany customers for EUR 25 (VAT excluded).
China Mobile Preparing For Multiple 3G Standards
China Mobile started TD-SCDMA training for technical employees recently. China Mobile started WCDMA technology training earlier. Previous rumors have said that the first TD-SCDMA license will go to China Mobile, though the technology is
business card scanner for windows mobile
is anyone aware of a solution to allow you to take a picture of a business card and then import the details into your contacts? i've seen a solution for symbian but haven't been able to track something down for windows mobile. anyone
Mobile Business Expo - Unified Communications / Future of the Phone
Developing a Successful Unified Communications with Mobile Technology Moderator - Eric Krapf – Business Communications Review Chris Kardish, Principal, Nemertes Research, Inc. Marty Parker, Communication Perspective
mobile business voip, consumer video hottest next gen services
according to primary market research by lucent technologies, businesses and consumers are willing to pay a premium for next-generation mobile high speed data services such as voice over ip (voip), interactive video and video sharing.

UbiESt Mobile Business: localizzazione, georeferenziazione e
Le soluzioni UbiEst di mobile business consentono di integrare la componente di localizzazione e georeferenziazione in applicazioni mobile di field service,
Notebook-Tests, PDAs, Wireless LAN und mehr - ZDNet.de Mobile Business
Notebook-Tests, PDAs, Wireless LAN und mehr - ZDNet.de Mobile Business.
Apogeonline - Mobile Business
Diventa sempre più facile e relativamente poco costoso accedere a servizi diversi mediante dispositivi mobili di comunicazione,come cellulari e palmari.
ITnews. News - Integrare Mobile Office e Mobile Business per
(news ICT) Mercoledì 22 novembre 2006, ore 9.30 -13.00, al Politecnico di Milano.
ACIDEVOLUTION • IT Services - Wireless - Mobile Business
Mobile Business I servizi di m-Business rappresentano la più innovativa e promettente frontiera tecnologica ed applicativa. L'uso di terminali Wireless per
Swisscom Mobile - Abbonamenti NATEL® business
Panoramica di abbonamenti e soluzioni per clienti commerciali.
Swisscom Mobile - Mobile Business Group
Riunite i telefoni di rete fissa e mobile della vostra PMI e approfittate di convenienti prezzi al minuto. 100 minuti gratis inclusi.
30 Novembre 2006 - Le applicazioni di Mobile & Wireless Business nelle Utility in Italia. Osservatorio Mobile & Wireless Business, School of Management del
SAT Expo: Il Mobile Business punta sul Nord-est
Il convegno di Soiel al debutto a SAT Expo. Betti: «Approfondire la sensibilità tra domanda e offerta»
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