Global Security News - United Nations Envoy In Burma Colombo Page, Sri Lanka - Nov 19, 2006 Nov 19, Colombo: The Sri Lanka government is getting ready to officially challenge the statement made by United Nations Ambassador Allan Rock that government. PRESS CONFERENCE WITH UNITED NATIONS autres métier et presse hydraulique soenen international nv aida engineering aps 2 - atelier pieces speciales aref arisa balconi presseccentriche bihler scmbliss bret cattaneo presse presses cofmo colombo agostino emg-long fagor arrasate imv presse invernizzi presse Colombo de porc et purée de patate douce Pelez l'ail et passez-le au presse-ail. Râpez le gingembre. Faites dorer à feu moyen les morceaux de viande dans deux cuillérées à soupe d'huile chaude. Ajoutez le miel, mélangez, puis versez la sauce soja et poudrez de colombo. At least 54 killed, over 400 wounded in major Sri Lanka battle COLOMBO (AFP) - At least 54 people were killed and more than 400 wounded when a new military offensive met with ferocious resistance from Tamil Tiger rebels, both sides said Sri Lanka peace talks in balance after fierce battle COLOMBO (AFP) - Tamil Tiger rebels inflicted heavy losses on Sri Lankan troops in fierce fighting that reportedly killed 244 combatants and wounded over 430, dashing peace hopes, officials said suicide bombing at sri lankan port colombo (afp) - suspected tamil tiger suicide bombers have infiltrated the port of galle in southern sri lanka and are attacking facilities there, defence spokesman keheliya rambukwella told afp At least 98 killed in Sri Lanka blast COLOMBO (AFP) - Suspected Tamil Tiger suicide bombers killed at least 98 pepole and wounded 150 when they drove a truck packed with explosives into buses full of sailors in northeast Sri Lanka, officials have said Suicide bombing kills over 100 in Sri Lanka COLOMBO (AFP) - Sri Lanka has suffered its worst ever suicide attack when suspected Tamil Tiger rebels detonated a truck packed with explosives next to a convoy of sailors, killing at least 102 people and wounding 150 more UN accuses Sri Lanka of recruiting child soldiers COLOMBO (AFP) - A United Nations official has accused Sri Lankan government forces of forcibly recruiting child soldiers on behalf of an allied paramilitary group also fighting Tamil Tiger rebels colombo pousse la péninsule de jaffna vers une grave crise de leur côté les tigres ont accusés colombo d' "avoir un agenda militaire caché". selon m. solheim. mais cette promesse risque de rester lettre morte face à l’attitude du gouvernement sri lankais. communiqué de presse
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