Systems Administrator - Linux/ Apache/ MySQL Candidates should have approx 1 or 2 years experience in systems administration in a Linux environment. Knowledge in other key areas include; Apache, MySQL, email configuration. This is an excellent opportunity for someone with right Mysql why won't you accept more connections? Here's kind of a weird one -- we've got a mysql 5 server in a cluster that does a fair amount of i/o. The mysql itself recognizes that there are "Failed attempts," but it's not clear to us at all what's causing them. XQuery & MySQL In order to access MySQL you will need to run Sequelink SocketServer and configure an ODBC System Data Source based on the MySQL ODBC driver as explained in the documentation. DataDirect Technologies has been working on the JDBC driver Shutdown mysql server I have mysql 5.0.24 installed on solaris 8 mysql works great, but to get ready for production I want to lock down the root mysql user with a password. I do that with the command SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'blahblah' = PHP and MYSQL version Hi guys, I have a server with PHP 4.4.1 and MYSQL 4.0.27, It is meet the minimum requirement, but not recommended requirement, Am i able to run Vbulletin 3.6.3 on my site?urgent, thanks in advance Full text search in Ruby on Rails 2 - MySQL My previous post compared MySQL and ferret full text search engines. For our project, the ferret was the winner. Nevertheless, I will try to show the beauty and simplicity of using MySQL indexes. ยป original news New host and MySQL Errors EXCEPT that we keep getting database errors connecting to the mysql server :( At 1st we were getting errors saying that the max number of connections had been reached. I was told that it had been set on 30 (may have been 40) and they php mysql tutorial I'm pretty new to mySQL and PHP and thought this was a pretty good source for anybody that doesn't have any previous I know it answered some questions for me so I thought I'd share. MySql/Software Installation-Beginner This error message shows up on [COLOR=green! important][COLOR=green! important]MySql [COLOR=green! important]database[/color][/color][/color]: PHP $dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "", "<PASSWORD HERE>") or die ('I cannot connect to the XQuery & MySQL How do I use the DB to XML feature with MySQL or other JDBC databases? I tried SequelLink but I received the following error when I tried to use it: java.sql.SQLException: [StylusStudio][SequeLink JDBC Driver]Internal network error,