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Housing rort: Still waiting for answers Scoop.co.nz
National Party Housing spokesman Phil Heatley says he is still waiting for honest answers from Housing Minister Chris Carter about when Housing New Zealand became aware of allegations about a subletting rort in Christchurch.
Greens, Act Co-Host Public meeting on Stadium Scoop.co.nz
On Sunday at 2pm, Auckland-based Green Party MP Keith Locke and Act New Zealand Leader Rodney Hide will be co-hosting a public meeting at the Aotea Centre.
Tri-State Neighbor Tri-State Neighbor
BROOKINGS, S.D. - SDSU Cooperative Extension is hosting two beef cow drylot alternative meetings Nov. 30 at Mitchell and Beresford, S.D.
Housing for exchange HS students is sought Tucson Citizen
Northwest Services Peace Program is seeking families in Tucson to host high school exchange students for the 2007 spring semester.
San Franciscans should be grateful to get out of Olympic bidding Southwest Daily News
The good people of San Francisco have lots of reasons to be happy these days. The earth hasn't rumbled lately, and runaway housing prices seem to have finally peaked. The 49ers may be moving, but at least they're not going far.
Main Menu Falls Church News-Press
Clay Café Studios is hosting its 6 th Annual Family Fundraiser to benefit the Falls Church Winter Emergency Homeless Shelter from 7:00 – 9:00 pm on Wednesday, December 6, 2006 . The event is co-sponsored by Kendall’s Cakes and the Greater Falls Church Chamber of Commerce . Tickets are available at Clay Café (101 N. Maple) for $25 per person in advance or $30 at the door.
Professors lend home for sale of Third World items The Wheaton Sun
In 1981, Wheaton College professors Norm and Sharon Coolidge Ewert visited a student intern who was participating in a rug-making program in Pakistan. During their stay, the married couple saw overwhelming poverty with children playing in sewers and homeless people vying for space to sleep in the streets.
Soup and crackers for a ‘souper’ cause The State
The Women’s Shelter is hosting the 27th Annual Thanksgiving “Souper” from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday at Eastminster Presbyterian Church, 3200 Trenholm Road. The Souper is a simple soup-and-crackers meal held every year around Thanksgiving to help the community reflect on hunger and homelessness.
Connector saves space in servomotors Embedded Systems Programming Magazine
Santa Ana, Calif. — Providing designers with a space-saving motor connector, the CmX series servomotor interconnect system from ITT, Electronic Components may replace two traditional circular connectors for a wide range of servomotor sizes.
www.mccully.co.nz - 17 November 2006 Scoop.co.nz
Exactly one year ago today, New Zealand won the right to host Rugby World Cup 2011. Twelve months later the nation is consumed by the debate about where, how, and to what cost we will provide a stadium venue suitable to host the 2011 final.

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Tinext - Housing e Hosting
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