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Upcoming talks
Microsoft is arranging a asp.net focused event, Dev Days 2006, in Stockholm december 5th. I have agreed to talk about databinding in ASP.NET 2.0. Tobias Fjälling will be talking about AJAX. There is little info on the site,
asp.net 2.0 - investigating .net exceptions with windbg
790fed1c 4000f97 48 system.int32 0 instance 0 _httpcode 68a5c4d8 4000f98 44 log: publisher policy file is not found. log: no redirect found in host new url file:///c:/windows/microsoft.net/framework/v1.1.4322/temporary asp.net
asp.net 2.0 debugging steps i should really know
as part of my "not-my-real-job" time, i do a little website hosting change between asp.net 1.0/1.1 and 2.0 as described here. the net-net is that in .net 1.0 you would not realize that anything was wrong. however, in .net 2.0,
3rd party .net components in asp.net 2.0 shared hosting w/medium trust
most 3rd party .net components, including chilkat, provide functionality that is not allowed by microsoft’s “medium trust” level for asp.net 2.0. the problem is that many shared hosting environments lock the trust level on the web
health monitoring in asp.net 2.0
rick as an administrator for a shared host, aspnix, has disabled debugging on their servers but their clients got in trouble to debug their applications and are looking for a way. rick contacted scott and he suggested to use asp.net 2.0
web hosting provider netpivotal adds asp.net 2.0 support to
web hosting provider netpivotal has added asp.net 2.0 support to all existing and new windows shared hosting plans
tip/trick: optimizing asp.net 2.0 web project build performance
same dynamic compilation system that asp.net 2.0 uses at runtime. vs 2005 2) keep the number of files in your /app_code directory small. if you end up reason for this is so that you can host controls defined within /app_code
great bunch of asp.net resources
how to: encrypt configuration sections in asp.net 2.0 using dpapi. how to: encrypt configuration sections in asp.net 2.0 using rsa. how to: instrument asp.net 2.0 applications for security. how to: improve security when hosting multiple
recommendations on asp.net 2.0 + sql web host for dev. testing?
my latest app is fast approaching needing some real world testing. it requires asp.net 2.0 and an ms sql or firebird server. i'd like to test it under "real world" conditions with net lag etc so i'm looking for an inexpensive yet
the weekly newsletter from aspwire
discountasp.net beta launches a control panel asp.net web service api that enables customers to develop their own applications that interact directly with their hosting account. persistent datasets 2.0 updated (11/3/2006)

Guida ASP.NET 2.0 | Guide ASP.Net | Aspnet.HTML.it
Indice delle lezioni della Guida ASP.NET 2.0 - Guida pratica per scoprire le potenzialità della seconda versione del Framework .NET.
Manuale Asp NET 2.0 - WebMasterPoint.org
Manuale di Asp.NET 2.0. [SPONSOR] Eurologon. Clicca qui per maggiori info (Link esterno) Eurologon offre Dominio con hosting professionale a partire da 50
Hosting professionale Windows 2003 .NET
Database hosting · Tabelle comparative phpMyAdmin: opzionale Statistiche Easy Stats, CGI ASP 3.0, 2.0 ASP.NET 2.0, 1.1 Php 5.x, 4.x Perl 5.5
Servizi Hosting: Windows 20
Servizi web hosting aggiuntivi 20 MB (upgradabili - info spazio aggiuntivo) ASP.net:. si. visualizza informazioni su questa voce
ASP.NET 2.0 Zone | ASPItalia.com - The ASP.NET community - ASP.NET
NET 2.0 è la nuovissima versione di ASP.NET, conosciuta con il nome in codice di ASPItalia.com usa ITHost come sistema per l'hosting dei propri server

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