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Self-Portrait Challenge {Red - 4}
It looked almost the same, the velvet certainly felt the same and whenever I hold it in my hands or wear it for a costume party I am reminded of how magically attractive the Little Red Riding Hood fairtytale was for the young me.
Little Red Riding Hood
Event Date: 11/9/2006 - 11/9/2006 Little Red Riding Hood is a classic retelling, through song, of the favorite children's story. Opera Birmingham adds sets, costumes, props
After Safe Halloween, my mom brought up my Little Red Riding Hood costume to my room for me to try on. My mom is kind of brilliant when it comes to making costumes. When I was a kid I wore a range of inspired costumes,
Happily N'Ever After
That ought to be a red flag to anyone who is truly expecting a Shrek-like In that show, the meerkat and warthog donned various costumes and roamed the In her new world order, the Big Bad Wolf eats Little Red Riding Hood and the
Hey There Little Red Riding Hood
Anywho, the party was a blast and my costume was a hit. Now, I can't wait for Tuesday night. 7) The guy my parents hired to play music sang me Little Red Riding Hood. FABULOUS! 8) I brought you back your own little private dancer.
Little Red Riding Hood
But, if you want to read about my Halloween costume, you can do so here. I am going to be Little Red Riding Hood for Halloween. I did not buy the costume. I never just buy a costume. I think that's cheating.
Brand Upon the Brain in NYC
My friend KD just directed me to Lynn's blog to look at some of her (awesome) costume designs and I was BLOWN away by the intense blogging effort Lynn has going on! Jeez. Makes me wish I were more into taking snaps and putting them on
Blog the Shots Day - 1 to 7 of 364 Photos For This Year
January 2, 2007 - Jillian got a cloth "Little Red Riding Hood" book for Christmas Claire loves it and calls it "Little Wed Wagon Hug". It cracks me up. and she hasn't gotten over the whole costume thing from Halloween either.
Costumes: Little Red Riding Hood
This is one of the simplest costume ideas you will find. There are two options to choose from, depending on what the weather is like for Halloween this year. Standard Little Red Riding Hood Put a red dress, red top and skirt,
Who Fits Size 9 Red Boots?
Lorrayne (The Lady with the Shoes) has just opened the box containing the Captain Campaign costume - with a bright red cape which reminds me a lot of Little Red Riding Hood (Don't tell Lorrayne I said that!).
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