Complete Mozart Edition 15 - Late Italian Operas CD Classical Complete Mozart Edition 15 - Late Italian Operas Includes opera(s) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Soloist Various. Artist Classical Collection Studio Philips Format CD, $62.99 Sestetto Basso Valdambrini: The Best Modern Jazz In Italy 1962 Description: Great italian 60's jazz include the killer hard bop club track 'Monotonia', this is a high quality reissue of one of the most sought after italian jazz albums!!! Price: £14.99 Erica Jong: Aida and Iraq This gorgeous piece of music must be sung before the tenor has sufficiently warmed up his voice. Alagna stumbled on opening night and the Italian press, usually so boosterish with great Italian institutions like La Scala, grumbled the Music Recs Creative and the effect is fantastic. Fiamma Fumana Italian folk-techno-pop. This is incredibly upbeat music worth dancing and moving to. A favorite I'd lost for a while, but regained when they were finally picked up by iTunes Italian music a gogo : more La Cricca + Rossella Bernardini This time from the 1965 Italian/french movie "I Complessi".Anybody out there can give me some more info on this wonderful group? Amico va Also check out Rossana Bernardini's version of The Newbeats' "Bread and butter" from the same Quintetto Basso Valdambrini: Walking In The Night : DEJA VU: 12 INCH Description: Great italian 60's jazz LP which includes many club jazz tracks like 'Lotar', 'Time was' and the title track, this is a high quality reissue of one of the most sought after italian jazz albums!!! Price: £14.99 The Southern Italian folk music and dance company celebrates the The Southern Italian folk music and dance company celebrates the Italian Winter Solstice-the darkest night of the year-with the excerpts from its "Spider Dance." Perofrmance will be followed by a holiday dance party Italian music a gogo : Gemelle Kessler What's better than 1 yé-yé girl? Two! And what's even better? Twins! The German born Kessler Twins (well-known as star dancers in the Paris Lido by the late 50's) became a sensation when they moved to Italy in the early 60's and started Science gets closer to the wonders of the past They motivate their research as such: "Whether or not the great Italian violin-makers used wood that had been Clearly that's the case in their recording of Beethoven's String Quartets, one of the great victories of the recorded music The Coniglio Hat When the ears of the Coniglio Hat (coniglio means "rabbit" in italian) are pointed UP, music turns OFF; manifesting the user's attentiveness and availability to communicate. When the ears are folded DOWN, the music automatically turns
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