French nationals involved in Jihadi ops across the Arab world Just last week, we learned that three French Jihadis on their way to Irak to kill US troops were arrested in Syria and shipped back to France. These three young men aged 19,20 and 31 were from Tours and attended the same Salafi mosque Rest in peace, greasy French fry! This just in: the Board of Health has officially banned fat from all New York City restaurants. Trans fat – a common ingredient in cookies, pizza, and everything else we really want – has (unfortunately) been linked to coronary Fritz Trainer Opening: The French Defence The French defence is a very powerful opening against 1.e4-players who plays aggressively. Against the French you have to understand the underlying positional themes, As all major openings the French defence is full of concepts and French oil conglomerate Total in Iranian oil scheme The French weekly L'Express just revealed that Swiss authorities have established Total's Also no one should be surprised that Total has been lobbying very hard the French government for avoiding to sanction the Iranian regime. French style hits the UK high street The French: so famously stylish, so effortlessly chic - and so hard to emulate for many of us. Not any more though. This French-style fashion line is called - appropriately enough - Breton, and its brought to us by our very own Topshop From Paris, with edge: French 'CNN' beams new view From Paris, with edge: French 'CNN' beams new view tells of what happens when the French government decide to spend their taxpayer's money on propaganda albeit "French" propaganda. Somewhere between Al-Jazeera and CNN! French rabbit wines and LOVE LETTER GENERATOR French rabbit wines - French wine in TetraPak containers - Rabbit Fun. Oh yes, that Rocks. But wait, write LOVE LETTERS too you amorous rabbit France 24, a French CNN? Just launched: exclusively online now (in English, French and Arabic) Coming Soon to French Schools? While the French government hasn’t gone so far as to set up wine-tasting sessions in classrooms, a recent report released by the governing UMP party suggests that “wine classes” starting as early as primary school could help boost Why is it French Toast? When my friend Tony and I were talking on the phone tonight, I mentioned I was making french toast for dinner. He replied, "When in France" It made me wonder, "Why is it called french toast? And does it have anything to do with
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