Guides : PRAGUE

The world´s largest scenographic exhibition in Prague
Prague Quadrennial, a big exhibition of stage design and theater architecture, will take place in Prague in June 2007. It will be an international competition of scenographers from 58 countries and the winner will receive the Golden
Villa Bilek in Prague will be restored soon
Villa Bilek is situated near the Prague Castle. It was built in 1911 by Frantisek Bilek, an artist, sculptor, graphic artist and religious thinker. The building is exceptional because of its rare symbolist style.
Trasfers from airport to Prague Centre
A driver will wait for you in case of a delay of your flight
March 2425 2007 Jacqueline Tyler and I left the dorms at 4am on Saturday morning to catch a 5am train out of Vienna headed for Prague. While I was in line to buy the ticket to Prague in Vienna I met a guy who was from Arlington Heights
Police swoop at the Ministry of Defense
There was a police swoop at the Czech Ministry of Defense yesterday. About 180 detectives were searching for evidence of corruption on many workplaces of the ministry in the whole republic. There is a suspicion, that employees of the
FebioFest is almost over!
FebioFest is a film, television, and music festival in Prague. There are only a few days left, so make sure that you make the most of this cultural experience. I have had the chance to view a number of the films on offer, so thought I’d - Prague Vincenza Milled Leather Satchel - $64.16
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Hi I want to visit the memorial village of Lidice whilst I'm in Prague
PRAGUE--fashion week part 2, lady like glamour
Presenting to you the wonderous creations of the designer, Boris Hanecka. A bit of demure glam
More to Come Minus the Bear - Absinthe Party at the Fly Honey Warehouse (mp3). Faithless - Insomnia (mp3

Radio Prague
Lev Salut à tous les tchécophiles de Radio Prague - Ahoj vám všem, Une fois de plus nous ouvrons la boite aux lettres de Radio Prague pour en tirer le
Une autre église est particulièrement intéressante dans l'enceinte du Château, c'est la basilique Saint Georges, l'une des rares églises romanes à Prague,
Logement à Prague : Hôtels à Prague
Logement en République Tcheque - Logement a Prague. Moteur de recherche de logement a Prague Hotels, hostels, pensions, apartements. Reservation online.
Prague - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nicknames for Prague have included "city of a hundred spires" and "the golden The settlement below Prague Castle became New Town of Prague in 1257 under
Voyage : Prague - - Photos, séjour et
Voyage : Prague - - Photos, séjour et vacances Prague - Voyages Prague.
Printemps de Prague - Wikipédia
Le Printemps de Prague (en tchèque « Pražské jaro ») est une période de libéralisation Les chars soviétiques entrent en force dans Prague le 20 août et
Le Consulat de France à Prague
Elections présidentielles des 22 avril et 6 mai 2007 - Les Français résidant en République tchèque pourront voter à l’ambassade de France à Prague à
Prague pas à pas
Prague pas à pas : Du pont Charles au château de Prague en passant par le quartier juif et la place de la vieille ville, L'Internaute Magazine vous emmène
Location d'appartement à Prague hébergement pour les vacances
Offre la location d'un appartement meublé au centre de Prague.
Prague International Marathon
Cette année le Hervis Prague Half Marathon semble prometteur en ce qui concerne le Hervis Prague Half Marathon live. Bonnes nouvelles de la TV Tchèque! prague: prague hotel | prague shopping | prague hotel | prague shopping | prague