Guides : MYSQL
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Informazioni sull'installazione di MySQL sia su sistemi unix che windows
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MySQL vs. Oracle

SeekingAlpha: Red Hat, MySQL: From Best Friends to Foes? Linux Today
"We've all seen it: Friendships that start in grammar school, blossom in high school and collapse in college. Or worse, the grade school friends who become fierce rivals in the corporate world. Does such a fate await Red Hat and MySQL, two of the most powerful companies in the open source market?
SeekingAlpha: Red Hat, MySQL: From Best Friends to Foes? Addict 3D
Red Hat and MySQL are growing up together in the technology industry. And over the next few months, they will depend on each other more than ever before
Web Hosting Provider Easy CGI Upgrades to MySQL 5.0.27
March 27, 2007 – (TopHosts News Brief) – Easy CGI announced it upgraded its supported version of MySQL to MySQL 5.0.27. MySQL, the world’s most popular open source database, features superior performance, high reliability and ease of use.
Red Hat, MySQL: From Best Friends to Foes? SeekingAlpha via Yahoo! Finance
The VAR Guy submits: We've all seen it: Friendships that start in grammar school, blossom in high school and collapse in college. Or worse, the grade school friends who become fierce rivals in the corporate world.
Easy CGI Upgrades to MySQL 5.0.27 PR Web
Easy CGI, a leading Windows web hosting provider, recently upgraded its supported version of MySQL, the world's most popular open source database. Easy CGI now supports MySQL 5.0.27. (PRWeb Mar 27, 2007) Post Comment:Trackback URL:
Easy CGI Upgrades to MySQL 5.0.27 PRWeb via Yahoo! News
Easy CGI, a leading Windows web hosting provider, recently upgraded its supported version of MySQL, the world's most popular open source database. Easy CGI now supports MySQL 5.0.27.
CNET News: Survey: MySQL Use Rises 25 Percent Addict 3D
After this item was published, we discovered we gave an incorrect figure for the percentage of developers who said they use MySQL. The figure is 40 percent
MySQL Enjoys Rapid Rise in Developer Adoption ComputerWire
Open source database firm MySQL AB is enjoying a rapid rise in adoption by enterprise developers, according to a survey by market research firm Evans Data Corp.
Oracle Gives Open Source a Patent Pass ComputerWire
Oracle Corp has vowed not to assert its patents against open source projects such as the Linux operating system kernel and the MySQL and PosgreSQL databases by entering into a licensing agreement with the Open Invention Network LLC.
GPL getting tougher on patent deals ZDNet
Version 3 to block next Microsoft-Novell handshake? Latest draft aims to "prevent such deals from making a mockery of free software."mysql: hebergeur mysql | formation mysql | hebergeur mysql | formation mysql | mysql