Pekin Express
Does anyone else out there watch Pekin Express? I really got into it last year, and it just started up again last week, or maybe the week before. I spent three weeks in China in 2000 on an Agricultural & Nutrition exchange trip,
Bretagne, originally uploaded by Frenchpage. New Page 1
A pox on
the person who thought up Daylight Savings Time. It is almost 8pm, and Fab is still not home yet. And if past years are any indicator, it's only going to get worse as the days get longer. Curses on you, inventor of DST
Busy busy busy
Just today and tomorrow left, and then I'll be on "vacation" for the next ten days (vacation meaning that I won't have to travel anywhere, not that I won't have any more work to do). Yesterday I got up at 5:45 and drove an hour and a
Channel surfing
Fab and I were flipping through channels last night, and we came across the end of D&Co (French home make-over show). The présentatrice was thanking the family for all of their hard work, and then she held up a condom and told listeners
Port de Bretagne - Patrice Levoin
Port de Bretagne Acrylic on canvas
There Goes the Sun
But, it's March in Bretagne, so what else can one expect? I'm just grateful that we got a gift like that from mother nature - it made for an awesome few days of walking around, doing errands, meeting friends for coffee,
Bretagne: Where the Crepe is Queen and the Galette is King
Bretagne isn't on the receiving end of too many shout-outs when it comes to discussions on the best of French food and wine. (Blame it on the Provence fetish self-absorbed foodie memoirists.) But that doesn't mean those proudly Celtic
At my SIL's house-warming party Saturday night, we started playing this game where everyone had to find a "contrepétrie". Basically, the goal of the game was to find a phrase that could take on a totally different meaning,

LOCATION BRETAGNE tourisme Bretagne - studio, appartement, maison
Location en Bretagne, Site consacré au tourisme en Bretagne : Location vacances 35 22 56 44 29 de particuliers à particuliers, louer en bretagne, villa,
An Arvorig, la Bretagne vue autrement
Découverte de la Bretagne à travers son actualité, son tourisme, son histoire et sa culture grace à de nombreuses rubriques.
Bretagne Celtic - Bretagne des druides et des mégalithes
Découvrez les druides , leur histoire, leurs croyances, l'alphabet des Oghams er des Runes, visitez les sites mégalithiques, plongez dans les légendes de
Bretagne Panoramique, photos panoramiques et écrans de veille
Photos Panoramiques, visites interactives, écrans de veille, fonds d'écrans de sites de la côte de Bretagne, Finistère, Morbihan, Côte d'Armor,
Bretagne - Yahoo! Actualités
Toute l'actualité de la société française : faits de société, débats de société et enjeux sociaux.
Bretagne : La Bretagne, informations et guide touristique
Magazine d'information touristique sur la Bretagne: des reportages, des photos et des conseils pratiques pour voyager malin en armorique : location, voyage,
Locations Bretagne locations Vacances Location Bretagne Location
Locations Bretagne Locations en Bretagne Location vacances Bretagne Location Bretagne Location en Bretagne LOCATIONS BRETAGNE LOCATIONS EN BRETAGNE BRETAGNE
Le Télégramme - accueil
BRETAGNE, FRANCE. Erdeven. 12.000 citoyens refusent les extractions Des origines guadeloupéennes, des attaches en Bretagne, avec une propriété en
DRIRE Bretagne - Direction Régionale de l'Industrie de la
DRIRE Bretagne - Direction Régionale de l'Industrie de la Recherche et de l'Environnement.
Comité Départemental du Tourisme de Haute-Bretagne Ille-et-Vilaine
Retrouvez l'actualité, les annuaires, contacts… du tourisme en Bretagne et en Haute-Bretagne Ille-et-Vilaine (35) sur le site du Comité Départemental du bretagne: hotel bretagne | immobilier bretagne | hotel bretagne | immobilier bretagne | bretagne