1. Morcheeba - Otherwise
2. Noir Desir - Le Vent Nous Portera 

Las Ketchup - Asereje (traduzione)


Holly Valance - Kiss Kiss (traduzione)


Aerosmith - Girls of Summer


Jennifer Paige - Stranded  


Morcheeba - Otherwise

They wanted me here
Just to show you my face
But when it comes to the crunch
I just hide in disgrace
You're calling me mad
But i know you're the same
Cause you got to be seen to be playing the game
Yes we got to be seen to be playing, the game

It ain't gonna hurt now
If you open up your eyes
You're making it worse now
Everytime you criticise
I'm under your curse now
But I call it compromise
I thought that you were wise
But you were otherwise

A specimen like you
I would love to obtain
I asked a tedious guy if he'll tell me your name
I'd love to impress you
With a back somersault
I want to take out your love
But it's locked in a vault
I wanna take up your love
But it's locked in a vault

It ain't gonna hurt now
If you open up your eyes
You're making it worse now
Everytime you criticise
I'm under your curse now
But I call it compromise
I thought that you were wise
But you were otherwise

When i open my mouth
I'm so brutally honest
And i can't expect that kind of love from you
When you open your mouth
your teeth are beautifully polished
And i can't extract the pain you're going through
No i can't explain
The pain you're going through

It ain't gonna hurt now
If you open up your eyes
You're making it worse now
Everytime you womanise
I'm under your curse now
But I call it compromise
I'm under your curse

It ain't gonna hurt now
If you open up your eyes
You're making it worse now
Everytime you criticise
I'm under your curse now
But they call it compromise
I thought that you were wise
But you were otherwise


Noir Desir
Le Vent Nous Portera 

Je n'ai pas peur de la route
Faudrait voir, faut qu'on y goûte
Des méandres au creux des reins
Et tout ira bien là
Le vent nous portera

Ton message à la Grande Ourse
Et la trajectoire de la course
Un instantané de velours
Même s'il ne sert à rien va
Le vent l'emportera
Tout disparaîtra mais
Le vent nous portera

La caresse et la mitraille
Et cette plaie qui nous tiraille
Le palais des autres jours
D'hier et demain
Le vent les portera

Génetique en bandouillère
Des chromosomes dans l'atmosphère
Des taxis pour les galaxies
Et mon tapis volant dis ?
Le vent l'emportera
Tout disparaîtra mais
Le vent nous portera

Ce parfum de nos années mortes
Ce qui peut frapper à ta porte
Infinité de destins
On en pose un et qu'est-ce qu'on en retient?
Le vent l'emportera

Pendant que la marée monte
Et que chacun refait ses comptes
J'emmène au creux de mon ombre
Des poussières de toi
Le vent les portera
Tout disparaîtra mais
Le vent nous portera


Las Ketchup - Asereje

Mira lo que se avecina
a la vuelta de la esquina
viene Diego rumbeando.
Con la luna en las pupilas
y su traje agua marina
parece de contrabando.
Y donde mas no cabe un alma
alli se mete a darse caña
poseido por el ritmo ragatanga.
Y el dj que lo conoce
toca el himno de las doce
para Diego la cancion mas deseada
Y la baila,y la goza y la canta...
Aserejé, ja deje tejebe tude jebere
sebiunouba majabi an de bugui an de buididipí (x3)
No es cosa de brujeria
que lo encuentre tos los dias
por donde voy caminando.
Diego tiene chuleria
y ese punto de alegria
rastafari afrogitano
Y donde mas no cabe un alma
alli se mete a darse caña
poseido por el ritmo ragatanga.
Y el dj que lo conoce
toca el himno de las doce
para Diego la cancion mas deseada
Y la baila,y la goza y la canta...
Aserejé, ja deje tejebe tude jebere
sebiunouba majabi an de bugui an de buididipí (x3)


guarda chi si avvicina, girando l'angolo, 
arriva Diego ballando rumba.
Con la luna negli occhi, e il suo vestito azzurro,
che è frutto del contrabbando.
E dove non c'è più nessuno, lui va per ballare, 
posseduto dal ritmo ragatanga
e il dj che lo conosce, suona il ritmo di mezzanotte 
che è la canzone più desiderata di Diego.
E la balla ... e se la gode ... e la canta ...
Aserejé, ja deje tejebe tude jebere
sebiunouba majabi an de bugui an de buididipí (x3)

Non è una stregoneria che io lo incontri tutti i giorni 
ovunque cammini,
Diego ci sa fare e ha quell'allegria rastafari afrozingara
E dove non c'è più nessuno, lui va per ballare, 
posseduto dal ritmo ragatanga
e il dj che lo conosce, suona il ritmo di mezzanotte 
che è la canzone più desiderata di Diego.
E la balla ... e se la gode ... e la canta ...
Aserejé, ja deje tejebe tude jebere
sebiunouba majabi an de bugui an de buididipí (x3)

Holly Valance - Kiss Kiss

Mwah. Mwah.
When you look at me, tell me what you see,
This is what you get, it's the way I am.
When I look at you, I wanna be, I wanna be,
Somewhere close to heaven, with Neanderthal man.
Don't go, I know you wanna touch me, here, there and everywhere,
Sparks fly when we are together, you can't deny the facts of life.

You don't have to act like a star, trying moves in the back of your car,
But you know that we can go far, coz tonight you're gonna get my (kiss kiss).
Don't play the games that you play, coz you know that I won't run away,
Why aren't you asking me to stay, coz tonight I'm gonna give you my (kiss kiss).

You could be mine, baby, what's your star sign?
Won't you take a step into the lion's den.
I can hear my conscience calling you, calling you,
Say I'm gonna be a bad girl again.
Why don't you come on over, we can't leave this all undone,
Got a devil on my shoulder, there's no place for you to run.


If you forget, I'll remind you, if you're paranoid, I'm behind you,
If you lose your head, I'll find you, sending you my kiss.
If you forget, I'll remind you, if you're paranoid, I'm behind you,
If you lose your head, I'll find you, kiss, kiss.

Don't, don't, (kiss kiss) I, I, don't, don't, ki-ki, I, I.
Don't, don't, mwah, don't, don't, don't, oh yeah.
Don't have to act like a, trying moves in the back of your,
But you know that we can go, coz tonight you're gonna get my.
Ahh, ahh, mwah.

quando mi guardi, dimmi quello che vedi,
questo è quello che prendi, io sono così
quando ti guardo, voglio essere, voglio essere
in qualche luogo vicino al paradiso insieme all'uomo di Neanderthal.
Non andare, so che vuoi toccarmi, qui, lì, ovunque,
quando siamo insieme volano scintille, non puoi negare i fatti della vita

(Rit.) Non devi comportarti come un divo, 
provare le mosse sul sedile posteriore della tua macchina,
ma sai che possiamo andare lontano, 
perchè stanotte riceverai il mio (bacio, bacio)
Non fare i giochi che fai, perchè sai che non scapperò
perchè non mi chiedi di restare, perchè stanotte ti darò il mio (bacio, bacio)

Potresti essere mio tesoro, qual è il tuo segno zodiacale?
Non entri nella gabbia dei leoni, 
sento la mia coscienza che ti chiama, ti chiama,
dice che sarò ancora una cattiva ragazza, perchè non vieni sopra,
non possiamo lasciare tutto intentato,
ho un diavolo sulla spalla, non c'è un posto dove tu possa scappare.
Se ti dimenticherai, te lo ricorderò, se sei paranoico sono dietro di te,
se perdi la testa ti troverò, ti manderò il mio bacio
 se sei paranoico sono dietro di te, se perdi la testa ti troverò
bacio, bacio, no, no, (bacio bacio) io, io, non, no, ba -ba, io, io


Aerosmith - Girls of Summer

When winter hearts turn summer pink
In half the time it takes to blink
But it all depends on what'choo think
About the girls of summer

When all you think of all day long
Is a pretty face inside a song
With a thought like that you can't go wrong
About the girls of summer

Oh yeah... (Do you know... what everybody's talkin bout)

Some girls are all about it
Some girls they love to let it fly
Some girls can't live without it
Some girls are born to make you cry

Over & over again

My favorite thing that drives me wild
Is when a city girl walks a country mile
For the boy she loves God bless the child
Inside the girls of summer

Oh yeah... (Do you know... what everybody's talkin bout)

Some girls are all about it
Some girls they love to let it fly
Some girls can't live without it
Some girls are born to make you cry

Yeah... over & over again
Yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah

They get'choo climbin' the walls
They get'choo caught in their spell
They get'choo speakin' in tongues
Could this be Heaven or Hell
To fall in love twice a day
Is such a sweet price to pay

Sil - vous - plait

The best things about life are free
The pussywillow up your tree
To the one who climbs
They'll always be the girl... yeah

Some girls are all about it
Some girls they love to let it fly
Some girls no doubt about it
Some girls are born to make you cry

Some girls can't live without it
Some girls got twenty reasons why


Jennifer Paige - Stranded 


You know it only breaks my heart
To see you standing in the dark
Alone waiting there for me to come back
I'm too afraid to show

If it's coming over you
Like it's coming over me
I'm crashing like a tidal wave
That drags me out to sea
I want to be with you
If you want to be with me
Crashing like a tidal wave
I don't want to be
So baby come back to me [Stranded]
So baby come back to me [Stranded]

I can only take so much
These tears are turning me to rust
I know you're waiting there for me to come back
I'm too afraid to show

If it's coming over you
Like it's coming over me
I'm crashing like a tidal wave
That drags me out to sea
I want to be with you
If you want to be with me
Crashing like a tidal wave
I don't want to be
It's coming over you [Stranded]
It's coming over me [Stranded]
It's coming over you [Stranded]

I miss you
I need you
Without you
I'm stranded
I love you
So come back
I'm not afraid to show

Crashing like a tidal wave
Drags me out to sea
I want to be with you
You want to be with me
Crashing like a tidal wave
I don't want to be
It's coming over you [Stranded]
It's coming over me [Stranded]
It's coming over you [Stranded]

So baby come back to me [Stranded]
So baby come back to me [Stranded]

Coming over you
Coming over me

So baby come back to me
So baby come back to me






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