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Roadblocks for LRA Grant Money
with the US Small Business Administration (SBA) have stalled the payout process. local business owners, who have complained since Hurricane Katrina about the where floodwaters breached the structure during Hurricane Katrina.
Mark Green: The Bush-Gringrich Revolution is Dead 1994-2006
Second, because of the Connecticut Compromise of 1787, twenty small states which of big business, the religious far right or neo-cons itching for war, may make sense to an administration governing on a right-wing and a prayer,
Democrats’ Takeover in House Transforms Washington Overnight
“In divided party control, with an administration that has been a fairly well who have grown increasingly concerned about the administration’s war policy. minimum-wage increase — particularly if tied to small-business tax breaks
Kerry Presses FEMA to Keep its Promises to Small Business Owners
“From its initial response to its efforts for long-term recovery, the Bush Administration has failed the victims of Katrina. Now we are hearing that Washington isn’t paying its bills on time to small business owners,” said Kerry,
Five morning shows allowed Matalin to spin away without challenge
Shortly after Katrina, Bush had pledged to build the levees "higher and better. But O'Donnell failed to inform viewers that the Bush administration reportedly A small group of protesters was kept well away from Bush's event.
Terrence McNally: We Are Better than Our Leaders
The leadership of the Bush administration and the Republican party are cheaters. It is small, while we are large. It is cheap, while we are richly endowed. especially the poor, by their criminally negligent response to Katrina.
Terrence McNally: We Are Better than Our Leaders
It is small, while we are large. It is cheap, while we are richly endowed. everyone else they did business with. The Bush administration cheated the Katrina. The Bush administration cheated all but the richest Americans by tax
14 Tips for a Stress Free Flight By: Car Rental Steven Chabotte
For example, if you start a business and you need a car for this new business. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that a major hub for the shrimp industry and it was virtually wiped out by Katrina.
MS Coast Economic Stats
Population – 98% of pre-Hurricane Katrina population Small Business Administration Housing Assistance $1838406100 Small Business Administration Business Loans - $452219600 Sales Tax Collections - $5727631 local portions (July 2006)
SBA Criticized in Katrina Recovery Effort
The Small Business Administration is countering criticism that its not doing enough to aid victims of Hurricane Katrina. The agency helps provide low-interest loans to homeowners and small businesses, but 70 to 80 percent of loan

Small Business Administration - Jackson
For Hurricane Katrina Disaster Information or call the SBA Disaster Customer Service at 1-800-659-2955; The U.S. Small Business Administration is initiating
Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy - Federal Agency
Federal Agency Regulatory Response to Hurricane Katrina * The United States Small Business Administration (SBA) has reduced the red tape for small
Small Business Administration - The New York Times
Sen John Kerry letter says very few small business loans have been approved for those hurt by Hurricane Katrina; says Small Business Administration's
Small Business Administration - The New York Times - Narrowed by
Your search for KATRINA (STORM) in Small Business Administration returned 5 Small Business Administration - Narrowed by 'KATRINA (STORM)' RSS feed Small
Small Business Committee Democratic Site
Small Business Administration's (SBA) disaster loan program. for small firms as well as the impact of Hurricane Katrina on small businesses nationwide.

Small Business Administration - The New York Times
Sen John Kerry letter says very few small business loans have been approved for those hurt by Hurricane Katrina; says Small Business Administration's
Small Business Administration - The New York Times - Narrowed by
Your search for KATRINA (STORM) in Small Business Administration returned 5 Small Business Administration - Narrowed by 'KATRINA (STORM)' RSS feed Small
Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy - Federal Agency
Federal Agency Regulatory Response to Hurricane Katrina * The United States Small Business Administration (SBA) has reduced the red tape for small
Small Business Committee Democratic Site
Small Business Administration's (SBA) disaster loan program. for small firms as well as the impact of Hurricane Katrina on small businesses nationwide.
John Kerry Fights for Immediate Hurricane Katrina Small Business
John Kerry Fights for Immediate Hurricane Katrina Small Business Assistance the deadline for the Small Business Administration’s Physical Disaster Loans
Senator Kerry Floor Statement on Relief For Small Businesses
The SBA is indispensable to the recovery of the Gulf region after Hurricane Katrina. If the Administration is not going to provide small business relief in
Hurricane Contracting Information Center (HCIC)
visit the U.S. Small Business Subcontracting Network Hurricane Katrina the U.S. Federal Government, managed by the General Services Administration.
Texas Governor Rick Perry - Small Business Assistance
In the wake of hurricanes Katrina and Rita a large number of businesses have U.S. Small Business Administration Business Plan Information – The U.S.
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