The Anya World Forum
04:41:27 spuffy Buffy e Angel Fanfiction NC-17 Fanfiction vietate ai minori 0 0 16/06/2004 04:42:25 spuffy Graven Awards ...
Sweet Temptation :: Spuffy Fantasy All the Time
Baby Love by Niamh NC-17 Seventeen year old Buffy Summers is a High School Senior with a Welcome to Sweet Temptation, a Spuffy fanfiction archive dedicated solely to the world of quality fantasy ...
Speaker-To-Customers' Buffy Fanfiction
Rating R, possibly even into the milder end of NC-17. Contains character death. Fluffy, but not Spuffy. A rather unusual, possibly unique, pairing. Complete. ...
.: Spuffy Awards :: World on Fire :.
A Spike and Buffy awards site for canon and fantasy fanfiction. General 'We missed the bed again' Award: Given to best NC-17 story (any length) with the ...
Rabid/Raeann's Fanfiction Sweet Spot - NC-17 Set just before AS YOU WERE he events of Non-Spuffy Fic ...
If ever a season needed fanfiction to make it better .. Hating Spike (NC-17) Season 6, possibly not long before Dead Things. Post-Spuffy , Spike is in a surprisingly good mood. ...
Upside Down and Halfway to Happyland
spike, buffy, btvs, ats, spuffy, fan fiction, vampire, slayer, Spike,Buffy,fanfiction,fic,fiction,fanfic, slash, redemption conventional,pairing,fluffy,hurt,comfort,h/c,ust,rst,slash,PG-13,NC-17 ...
The (Good) Fanfiction Webring
The (Good) Fanfiction Webring is an exclusivist attempt to link as many Buffy-verse fanfic, primarily Spike-centric/Spuffy fiction. Most work rated R or below, with some NC-17 thrown in. ...
BTVS Awards
The Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards Site Round 8 R to NC-17 fics only! All pairings, BtVs/AtS crossovers welcome. Spuffy-Centric Awards Love's Last Glimpse Awards Round 14 ...
Beyond Twilight :: Buffy and Angel Fanfiction
Written for the Spuffy smut-a-thon on Live Journal. Requirements:- Angst, fluff and Spuffy in front Again, DARK Wesley/Lilah, NC-17. Categories: Pre-Finale Characters: None Genres: Drama, Angst, PWP ...

harry potter - spuffy

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