info: ORDER

informazione dall'iraq occupato
Uruk Net - An RAF doctor was today jailed for eight months after being found guilty of failing to comply with lawful orders when he refused to serve in Iraq. Flight Lieutenant Malcolm Kendall-Smith - who likened ...
Antara Interactive - London (ANTARA News) - Aktor Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe, Rabu, menjadi seorang bintang di Galeri Potret Nasional London, tempat berbagai foto orang kaya dan terkenal dipamerkan. Aktor berusia 16 ...
New Order live DVD
Newsic - I New Order pubblicheranno un live DVD a metà giugno intitolato "New Order - New York / Hyde Park" I New Order pubblicheranno un live DVD a metà giugno intitolato "New Order - New York ...
Newsic - È in tutti I negozi di dischi "Waiting for the sirens' call", il nuovo album dei New Order. Dopo il successo dell'album "Get Ready" del 2001 e alla pubblicazione del cofanetto, composto da 4 cd ...
India, Corea e Sri Lanka sottoscrivono l'accordo di cooperazione ...
Informare - La Competition Commission of Singapore ha presentato la proposta di esenzioni alla normativa sulla concorrenza da concedere alle compagnie armatoriali che operano servizi di linea Oggi, presso il ...
Bush autorizzò Libby a diffondere segreti
Indymedia Italia - There was no indication in the filing that either Bush or Cheney authorized Libby to disclose Valerie Plame's CIA identity. But the disclosure in documents filed Wednesday means that the president and ...
L'astensione che piace a berlusconi
Indymedia Italia - L'abbiamo visto tutti, le televisioni traboccano di spot che invitano al voto, in particolare in quelle Mediaset ci dicono anche che votare è un "dovere". Se ci fate caso in Tv non c'è nemmeno la ...
Questo post e' stato nascosto: non e' piu' visibile nell'homepage di ...
Indymedia Italia - GINEVRA - Cari europei, o accettate di mangiare la soya genica e il mais geneticamente modificato, o pagherete multe da centinaia di milioni di euro l'anno. Questa è, nel succo, la sentenza ...
di Alberto Dentice e Sebastiano Triulzi
L'Espresso - La catena è lì attaccata a un lampione del ponte con i messaggi d'amore ("Piccola, ti amo alla follia!") vergati con il pennarello dai Romeo e Giulietta che gravitano nella zona Roma nord. Proprio ...
Indymedia Italia - Molti giornalisti radiofonici degli Stati Uniti ricordano ancora i tempi in cui il Klan marciava per le vie delle città del Sud, ma sono rimasti scioccati visitando le prigioni di oggi in Mississippi ...
Judge in CIA Leak Case Threatens Gag Order (Washington Post)
The federal judge presiding over the pending trial of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby threatened yesterday to impose a gag order barring statements or disclosures to the news media by Libby's defense team or by the special prosecutor investigating alleged wrongdoing by the former White House official. ...
Rendell order designed to deliver delinquent taxes (BizJournals)
Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell has signed an executive order that's expected to reduce tax avoidance and generate $3.2 million in revenue this fiscal year....
Judge in CIA leak case threatens gag order (Contra Costa Times)
The federal judge presiding over the pending trial of Lewis "Scooter" Libby threatened Thursday to impose a gag order barring statements or disclosures to the news media by Libby's defense team or by the special prosecutor investigating alleged wrongdoing by the former White House official....
Intel iBook Order Goes to Asustek (The Mac Observer)
Apple has placed an order for 1.2 million Intel based laptops that are to be the successor to the current iBook product line...
Today is last day to order plants (The News Sun)
Today is the last day to get your order in for the annual Soil and Water Conservation District of Lake County plant sale....
Prosecutors give up on gag order for librarians (Belleville News-Democrat)
Federal prosecutors said Wednesday they will no longer seek to enforce a gag order on Connecticut librarians who received an FBI demand for records about library patrons under the Patriot Act....
Plattsburgh Boil Order Lifted (The Champlain Channel)
PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. -- The water is safe in Plattsburgh, according to officials. A boil order for drinking water in Plattsburgh has been lifted. On Tuesday, a water main broke on Margaret Street, leaving residents from the Lakeside Apartments to the Edgewater Estates without drinkable water....
CenterPoint Energy Electric Unit Files Rate Package in Response to PUC's Rate Review Order (FinanzNachrichten)
HOUSTON, April 14 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- In response to an order from the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC), CenterPoint Energy, ( Nachrichten ) Inc.'s electric mission and distribution subsidiary, CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC (CEHE), today filed cost data and other information that supports a rate increase of $50 million or 3.7 percent to the retail electric providers ...
To work, bus driver will need court order (Pacific Daily News)
James Cruz Toves, the bus driver accused of raping a 15-year-old girl, cannot return to work unless the Department of Public Works receives a court order that says he can return to work, said DPW Director Larry Perez....
Judge in Libby trial threatens gag order (UPI)
WASHINGTON, April 14 (UPI) -- The federal judge in the pending Washington trial of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby has threatened a gag order to stop disclosures to reporters....

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ieri 21.08.22