Il film sui Simpsons scalda la Rete
Il Corriere della Sera - SPRINGFIELD (STATI UNITI) - Un film sui Simpsons. Non, si badi, un cartone animato di un paio d'ore avente per protagonista la celebre famiglia gialla americana, ma una pellicola con Homer, Marge ...
h.21:45>proiezione del film 'Fuorivena', sarą presente la regista ...
Indymedia Italia - FUORIVENA č il primo lungometraggio di Tekla Taidelli, da lei scritto diretto, interpretato e prodotto (scarica il trailer da ). Un film sulla ...
Successo dell'etą glaciale numero due
Macity - Computer, computer, e ancora computer. Ovunque. E' quasi un'ossessione, da trasformare questo semplice sito di appassionati di Mac e stili di vita digitali in un Corriere della Sera in piena regola: a ...
11 settembre : Un invito ai giornalisti di Repubblica
Indymedia Italia - Abbiamo indirizzato questa lettera, in privato, al Direttore di Repubblica, Ezio Mauro, e per c/c al suo giornalista Arturo Zampaglione. Nella sua forma aperta, qui sul sito, la indirizziamo anche a ...
Los Angeles, 11:06
La Repubblica - Dopo una lunga serie di voci e smentite, la Twentieth Century Fox ha confermato ufficialmente che uscira' nel 2007 il film dei Simpson. E per farlo la major ha scelto un trailer molto particolare ...
'I Simpson' sul grande schermo nel 2007
AdnKronos - Roma, 1 apr. (Ign/Adnkronos) - 'I Simpson' approdano sul grande schermo . Una notizia attesa ed annunciata da tempo, ma ora c'č anche una data ufficiale: il 27 luglio 2007 i fan, numerosissimi, della ...
"Ciak si legge": il cinema promuove la lettura
Biella Online - La Regione Piemonte, in collaborazione con il Premio Grinzane Cavour e con la Bongiorno Productions di Daniela Zuccoli, ha bandito la Prima Edizione del Premio "Ciak si legge 2004". Si tratta di ...
'United 93': Is U.S. Ready For 9/11 Film? (NBC 5 Chicago)
The movie trailer for "United 93" is now showing on 3,000 screens, and if it's supposed to cause a reaction, it more than succeeds....
Universal Stands by 'United 93' Trailer (
Universal Pictures is standing by the promotional trailer for its upcoming 9/11 movie "United 93" despite audience complaints that caused one New York City theater to pull the advertisement off its screens....
The Vampiro documentary that was mentioned awhile back here on the site has opened an official website at featuring a trailer for the film and more. The film is slated for a release this September....
Collecting (MI6)
As MI6 reported in early April , a new teaser trailer is to be ciculated promoting Sony's new James Bomd Ultimate Editions DVDs. The British Board of Film Classification has now passed the trailer for distribution in the UK (decision filed on 11th April 2006, passed with no cuts)....
Trailer review: United 93 (Pioneer Press)
Ordinary people go about their day, talk to family members, board an airplane. And then, suddenly, nothing is ordinary. The new trailer for "United 93" does a beautiful job of taking us into what the day might have been like for people on the unlucky flight that, on 9/11, crash-landed in Pennyslvania....
Homestead Editorial Edits Two Parody Documentary Trailers Featured At Recent Full Frame Documentary Film Festival (Digital Video Editing)
Homestead Editorial recently edited two parody documentary trailers which were prominently featured during the just concluded Full Frame Film Festival. Lancy Doty, Partner, Executive Producer, Homestead Editorial, made the announcement....
'Scary Movie 4' plotless, unamusing (Fort Worth Star-Telegram)
High on the list of the world's most daunting questions is this impossible brain-teaser: Why do moviegoers keep buying tickets to the Scary Movie franchise? By Christopher Kelly / Star-Telegram Film Critic » View the trailer for "Scary Movie 4" ...
Film touches deep nerve for families of Flight 93 victims (San Francisco Chronicle)
Dorothy Garcia kept asking herself the same question as she drove to a Daly City theater recently for a families-only preview of "United 93," which follows the heroic exploits of passengers aboard the hijacked Sept. 11 airline bound for San Francisco ....
Shepard, Lange offer fresh take on family in new Wenders film (The Daily Texan)
Sony Picture Classics' "Don't Come Knocking" is a personal examination into the soul of anyone who has felt the need to rediscover their purpose in life. The film follows Howard Spence, played by Sam Shepard, a former Hollywood A-list actor who starred mostly in Westerns....
Emotions run high over Hollywood's first 9/11 film (The Scotsman)
THE first Hollywood film to deal explicitly with 9/11 has ignited an emotional debate in the United States over whether the country is ready for such a vivid portrayal of the 2001 terrorist attacks....

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