info: ALAN

WallStreet Italia - (ANSA) - ROMA, 13 apr - Il rendimento sui titoli del Tesoro statunitense di durata decennale è salito oggi al 5% per la prima volta dal giugno del 2002, un andamento destinato a riflettersi in ...
Perchè rimonta Berlusconi by FALCE MARTELLO Wednesday, Apr. 12, 2006 ...
Indymedia Italia - Il risultato elettorale ha smentito le attese di una ampia vittoria del centrosinistra. Le urne del 9-10 aprile non ha visto, come in molti abbiamo atteso, l'ultimo atto di una serie di sconfitte ...
Antara Interactive - Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Sebagian besar atau mayoritas masyarakat dan anggota parlemen Australia tidak mendukung gerakan separatis Papua. "Pengakuan itu dikemukakan oleh anggota Parlemen Federal ...
Perù: elezioni, chiesto annullamento dei voti estero
Tici Online - LIMA - Chiesto l'annullamento del voto delle circoscrizioni estere per le presidenziali peruviane. L'iniziativa è dell'Apra, il partito dell'ex presidente Alan Garcia che ha conquistato nel primo ...
Perù: Garcia verso il ballottaggio con Humala
Tici Online - LIMA - Cresce la distanza tra Alan Garcia e Lourdes Flores nello spoglio dei voti del primo turno delle presidenziali in Perù svoltesi lo scorso 9 aprile. Con l'87,66% delle schede scrutinate l'ex ...
WallStreet Italia - (ANSA) - ROMA, 12 apr - "Se le economie a maggiore sviluppo consentissero un apprezzamento delle loro valute, gli attuali squilibri dell' economia globale potrebbero essere corretti". Lo ha affermato ...
La riscossa dei Usa passa per la televisione
La Repubblica - Se la politica e la morale teocon rendono sempre più complicata la vita dei americani, la televisione li incorona re: i telefilm più premiati, seguiti e distribuiti ai quattro angoli del globo ...
WallStreet Italia - Il contenuto di questo articolo esprime il pensiero dell' autore e non necessariamente rappresenta la linea editoriale di Wall Street Italia, che rimane autonoma e indipendente. (WSI) - Un giorno ...
Wed Feb 15, 2006
Investire Oggi - NEW YORK, Feb 15 (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury debt prices fell on Wednesday after new Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned of possible inflation risks if the Fed did not take necessary action to ...
Perù: Flores in calo, Humala al ballottaggio con Garcia
VITA - Si profila un piccolo colpo di scena dopo le elezioni peruviane che si sono svolte domenica: l'ex presidente Alan Garcia sta consolidando il suo vantaggio al secondo posto sulla candidata ...
Alan Bennett's 'The History Boys' Begins Its Broadway History (Playbill via Yahoo! News)
Two teachers with differing approaches to education battle for the minds and hearts of a group of students in an English boys school in Alan Bennett's The History Boys, which begins previews at the Broadhurst Theatre on April 14....
Rep. Alan Brown offers solution to vexing salmon fishing issue (Newport News-Times)
State Representative Alan Brown has announced he sent a statement March 28 to Governor Ted Kulongoski in anticipation of a damaging decision impacting coastal salmon fishing by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)....
A Moment With... Alan Glickman (Town Online)
We are hoping it never happens, but if one day you call 911 Alan Glickman may be there to help you....
Congratulations Coach Alan Lowe! (Manhasset Press)
On April 5, the Manhasset boys lacrosse team defeated Friend Academy by a score of 16-8. This appears to be just one more victory, but, in fact, this is a milestone accomplishment. This win was Coach Alan Lowe's 500th victory of his illustrious career at Manhasset High School....
Alan Gell charged with statutory rape (The News & Observer)
The man victimized in a tainted murder trial is accused of 31 offenses with a girl who was 15 at the time. The girl, now 16, is pregnant, perhaps with Alan Gell's child....
Alan Curbishley (
Charlton Athletic boss Alan Curbishley will know in a couple of weeks if he is to become the next England manager. The Addicks chief told the BBC: "Something should be sorted out in the next couple of weeks."...
Animal Week: Sharks and Marine Life (Washington Post)
Marine biologist and nationally recognized shark expert Alan Henningsen of the National Aquarium in Baltimore, Md., was online Thursday, April 13, at 1 p.m. ET to answer questions about these widely-feared ocean predators and all other marine life, from whales to dolphins to jellyfish. ...
Ethics Panel Democrat Defends Rise In Assets (Washington Post)
Rep. Alan B. Mollohan (W.Va.), the ranking Democrat on the House ethics committee, yesterday defended the surge in value of his real estate holdings and other assets from $562,000 in 2000 to at least $6.3 million in 2004, contending that he benefited from rising values and good investments. ...
Ex-Leader of Peru Moves Closer to Spot in Runoff Vote (New York Times)
Alan García, whose presidency in the 1980's was marked by economic ruin, appears to be on his way to finishing second in Sunday's presidential election....
Alan Shipnuck: You sent the e-mails. Now it's my turn to answer them (Sports Illustrated)
The best thing about the post-Masters doldrums is that is allows all of us in the golf world to pause and enjoy a moment of reflection. In my case I realized I've been neglecting some of the most important people in my life. No, not my loving wife and two adorable daughters, or Duke, my loyal German shepherd, but you, the dedicated readers. So it's time to clean out my e-mail box. Here's where we ...

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