Tra un anno il nuovo portale della BBC
Apoge Online - La BBC, grazie alla tempestività e alla qualità dei suoi contenuti (informativi ma anche di entertainment) è uno dei media leader a livello internazionale: sul fronte televisivo, quello radiofonico ...
di Alberto Dentice e Sebastiano Triulzi
L'Espresso - La catena è lì attaccata a un lampione del ponte con i messaggi d'amore ("Piccola, ti amo alla follia!") vergati con il pennarello dai Romeo e Giulietta che gravitano nella zona Roma nord. Proprio ...
Programmi A-Z
RaiNet News - A a spasso con mamma a sua immagine a sua immagine aaa ad alta voce affari tuoi affari tuoi affari tuoi - la lotteria al posto tuo al posto tuo - edizione 2004/5 al posto tuo 2003/4 al vertice della ...
Caltanet - Roma, 6 apr. (Adnkronos/ - Dopo 'Harry Potter', 'Il grande silenzio' batte anche 'Il Caimano' e 'Basic Instinct 2'. Forte del successo ottenuto in Germania, il documentario muto di ...
Georgia woman wants Harry Potter books removed from schools (WIS-TV Columbia)
(Loganville, GA-AP) April 14, 2006 - A Georgia woman wants the Harry Potter series removed from all school libraries. Laura Mallory has three children who attend J.C. Magill Elementary School in Loganville, Georgia....
AT IMAX DOME (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: The IMAX Experience": 2 p.m. Thursday; 2 and 7 p.m. Friday-Saturday; 2 p.m. Sunday-Wednesday. "Greece: Secrets of the Past": 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Thursday-Friday; 11 a.m., 1 and 5 p.m. Saturday; 1 and 5 p.m. Sunday; 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday-Wednesday....
University of Wisconsin sponsors Harry Potter day (Wizard News)
Even if you're a "muggle," you are invited to attend the festivities at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point on Harry Potter Day, Saturday, May 6....
Potter star to have portrait hung in gallery (Digital Spy)
Daniel Radcliffe will set a new record when he has his own portrait displayed at the National Portrait Gallery....
Harry Potter author slams celebrity culture (Independent Online)
Harry Potter author JK Rowling has a bone to pick with the skinny models and celebrities whose "overpriced handbags and rat-sized dogs" grace the glossy pages of celebrity magazines....
Not Much Glamour, But Plenty of Gumption (New York Times)
Not Much Glamour,....
Thursday Thoughts: April 13, 2006 (CSTV's College Sports)
I know this is supposed to be a baseball column, but I think the coolest thing I saw all week was the replay of the Holy Cross - Army women's basketball game that was on CSTV earlier tonight. Army won 69-68 to advance to its first ever NCAA Tournament....
Great Theatres, Grand Openings (Film Journal)
In continuation of last month's survey of new cinema construction, part two takes an international turn and provides some additional insight into how to launch these million-dollar investments....
Outdoor films season to wrap up (Sun-Sentinel)
Weston · Hotter weather is around the corner, and that means the outdoor movie screen in Weston will be rolled up -- deflated, actually -- until fall....
AT THE MOVIES (Tallahassee Democrat)
Shaded movies are new this week. Times listed are for today only. For other days, see the ads in the day's paper or go to . Blurbs with a letter grade were rated by entertainment writer Mark Hinson....

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