Il desktop Linux di Novell per 'tanti utenti'
Computerworld Italia - E' la prima versione desktop del sistema operativo Linux che viene considerata "abbastanza buona" da essere un vero sostituto di Windows anche in installazioni aziendali di massa e non solo in ambiti ... ...
Così Linux si fa strada in Palm e Google
Apoge Online - Talvolta il ricorso o il contributo all'open source in aziende di grande risonanza merita una certa attenzione. Non tanto per fare i soliti, grossi nomi quanto soprattutto per confermare il successo ... ...
Media Extender per Mac: cosa sono e come funzionano
Macity - Di fatto nella seconda categoria entrerebbero tutti i player MP3 e/o riproduttori video collegabili al computer attraverso Firewire o USB ma noi ci occuperemo solamente di quelli evoluti come iPod con ... ...
Dati personali on line più sicuri
VNUnet - Dietro al progetto Higgins, l'iniziativa open source che punta a far nascere una nuova generazione di software per la sicurezza, ci sono Ibm, Novell e il Berkman Center di Harvard Dati personali più ... ...
Get the facts you need to make the choice between Windows and Linux. Just click on the whitepaper of your choice to (Linux Today)
RadioShack Saves Millions of Dollars by Choosing Windows Over Linux After an extensive evaluation in which RadioShack compared Windows® and Linux, the company selected Microsoft® Windows Server SystemT and Windows XP Embedded.... ...
Novell Promises Office Compatibility with Desktop Linux Update (CBR via Yahoo! UK & Ireland News)
The next version of Novell's Inc's business Linux desktop will feature functionality that enables the productivity suite to cope with Microsoft Corp Office macros, as well as new music and photo management, and graphics enhancements.... ...
Novell launches next-generation Linux desktop (
Novell has introduced the next version of its desktop Linux OS, a release the company hopes will begin a "viral" migration from Windows in the next several years, says Jeff Jaffe, executive VP and CTO for Novell.... ...
Get the facts you need to make the choice between Windows and Linux. Just click on the whitepaper of your choice to (Linux Today)
"Of the challenges that GNU/Linux users face when choosing hardware components for any system is the sound card compatibility.... ...
No Reasons Not to Be Dual Booting Linux and OSX (OS News)
Today, I decided to give Linux a try on my iBook. I've been wanting Linux on my iBook for a long time, but I've simply never had the time to do it. I ran the occasional PowerPC live CD, but live CD's are far cries from the real, installed thing.... ...
Get the facts you need to make the choice between Windows and Linux. Just click on the whitepaper of your choice to (Linux Today)
[ Thanks to Phoronix for this link. ] "Yet again ATI continues in their monthly ritual of releasing new Linux display drivers that are accompanied by the release of their usual Windows CATALYST suspect.... ...
Linux Audio Comparison (OS News)
"Of the challenges that GNU/Linux users face when choosing hardware components for any system is the sound card compatibility. ALSA, or officially known as Advanced Linux Sound Architecture, provides much of the audio and MIDI functionality to Linux users and is largely replacing OSS. Today we are examining Linux audio performance in the gaming environment with a slew of various sound cards by ... ...
IBM Switches Linux Desktops, But Isn't Dumping Windows (TechWeb via Yahoo! News)
IBM is upgrading a bunch of workers to Red Hat Linux, but the company is denying reports of a plan to totally replace Microsoft Windows inside the hardware, software and services giant.... ...
Linux PMP boasts impressive playback times (Linux Devices)
The latest news & announcements about Linux based embedded applications Keywords: Match: Sort by: Korean consumer electronics vendor Cowon has released a Linux source code tree for its A2 PMP (portable media player).... ...
Linux vendor Collax eyes US debut (InfoWorld)
( InfoWorld ) - An up-and-coming Linux vendor with some notable Silicon Valley connections is preparing for its U.S. launch in the third quarter, a debut that will include a major presence at the Open Source Business Conference (OSBC) in Boston in October, its chief executive officer (CEO) said at Cebit Friday. Olaf Jacobi, CEO of the Munich-based company, said it has not defined a date ...
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