Server tutti virtuali
VNUnet - Le soluzioni di Datacore, software house statunitense focalizzata nel settore della virtualizzazione dello storage, arrivano sul mercato italiano attraverso un accordo di distribuzione con Magirus ...

Symantec's New Norton Save & Restore (
Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq: SYMC) today announced Norton Save & Restore, a highly intuitive automated backup and recovery solution for consumers, which is scheduled for wide availability in late March....

IDC Report: IBM Achieves Fastest Growth Among Top Storage Software Vendors (SYS-CON Media)
IBM today announced the fastest worldwidestorage software growth among the top vendors in the fourth quarter of2005, according to data released by IDC[1]. Growing at 33 percent, IBMoutperformed both EMC and Symantec and was the only one of the three topvendors to increase its revenue share, resulting in a year-over-year marketshare points increase of nearly two points, as reported by IDC....

Article Tools (
An earthquake that struck Bellevue, Washington, over two years ago turned into a wake-up call for Smooth Corp. , an operator of several e-commerce companies that sell flooring products-- , and ....

IDC Report: IBM Achieves Fastest Growth Among Top Storage Software Vendors (RedNova)
IBM today announced the fastest worldwide storage software growth among the top vendors in the fourth quarter of 2005, according to data released by IDC[1]....

Defywire seeks $36M in suit against webMethods (BizJournals)
Defywire has upped the ante in its lawsuit against webMethods, asking for $36 million in damages and alleging in its complaint that webMethods "altered" evidence provided to the court....

Businesses in N.C. mountains have eye on coastal opportunities (The Charlotte Observer)
ASHEVILLE, N.C. - The North Carolina mountains are a long way from the ocean, but the region is turning into fertile territory for businesses that want to keep an eye on America's ports....

COVER STORY: Guarding our ports (Asheville Citizen-Times)
ASHEVILLE The mountains of Western North Carolina may be hundreds of miles away from the ocean, but Asheville may be miles ahead in the growing industry to guard seaports from terrorist attack....

IDC Report: IBM Achieves Fastest Growth Among Top Storage Software Vendors (Market Wire via Yahoo! Finance)
IBM today announced the fastest worldwide storage software growth among the top vendors in the fourth quarter of 2005, according to data released by IDC[1 ]. Growing at 33 percent, IBM outperformed both EMC and Symantec and was the only one of the three top vendors to increase its revenue share, resulting in a year-over-year market share points increase of nearly two points, as reported by IDC....

Gates Tops Billionaires List - Again (Systems Management Pipeline)
Bill Gates, chairman of Microsoft, remains number one on the Forbes list of billionaires, the magazine announced Thursday, with an estimated fortune of $50 billion....

E-Backups Adds Twenty New VAR's to its Wholesale Online Backup Solution in February (PR Web)
e-Backups ( a wholesale provider of branded HIPAA compliant, remote back-up software, services and managed storage, was selected by twenty VAR's to be the remote back solution of choice to present as a value added service to their clients. Each has had the solution customized and branded to their specifications. [PRWEB Mar 10, 2006]...

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