Il 27 settembre 2001 Alyssa Milano e Brian Krause hanno incontrano i loro fans nella chat del sito ufficiale dell'attrice, www.alyssa.com


Questo è il testo:

 21:22:27 EDT   <Alyssa> Hello!
 22:14:18 EDT   <Kelly Stewart> Evening Alyssa, hope you and your family are well
 22:14:23 EDT   <Lindä> hello
 22:22:23 EDT   <*I_Luv_Cory_Milano*> Hey ALyssa, i really admire your peaceful thinking, can u tell us something about ur spiritual life?
 22:24:52 EDT   <Alyssa> My spiritual life is...the thing that keeps me whole. I was raised Catholic but I am more Hindu now. I think all religions are the same it's just what you can relate to more.
 22:24:52 EDT   <gjkkelso> Who are your favorite actors ?
 22:26:16 EDT   <Ashley> Who inspires you most as a performer?
 22:26:40 EDT   <Alyssa> Susan Sarandon
 22:27:09 EDT   <HeyOhOhHey> I've heard rumors going around about a Who's the Boss reunion movie/episode. What do you know about it?
 22:27:38 EDT   <Poncho> What do u think about the New York disaster?
 22:27:52 EDT   <Alyssa> No Who's The Boss reunion.
 22:29:10 EDT   <Jen_San Francisco> Did you happen to see Tony host the Miss America show last week?
 22:29:10 EDT   <DemolishMan> Do you like Rose ??
 22:29:14 EDT   <Alyssa> It's not just a N.Y. disaster it is an everywhere disaster. It's hard. I don't know how to feel besides sad.
 22:29:28 EDT   <layla> do you belive in magic?
 22:29:39 EDT   <Alyssa> Yes, I do like Rose very much.
 22:29:44 EDT   <Alyssa> I believe in everything.
 22:29:56 EDT   <Guest> As muppets go, who are you most like...Kermit or Tickle Me Elmo?
 22:30:14 EDT   <piperp2> WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE BEST YOU HAVE??
 22:30:14 EDT   <Alyssa> Miss Piggy!!!!!
 22:30:29 EDT   <hollyfanatik101> hi alyssa how are holly brian and julian doing?
 22:31:04 EDT   <Kent> What is your favorite dish your Mom makes you for diner?
 22:31:07 EDT   <Alyssa> They're great. We're doing some great work.
 22:31:29 EDT   <OUbrando> call me, 405-325-****
 22:31:33 EDT   <Alyssa> Rolled spinach lasagna. Yummie!!!!!
 22:31:45 EDT   <Charming_girl> You changed lots of hair clors. What's your favorite?
 22:31:50 EDT   <Alyssa> It's busy.
 22:32:06 EDT   <Ashley> What are some of your favorite movies?
 22:32:14 EDT   <kitkate27> hey Alyssa, today is my birthday, so it would mean so so much to me if you could just say something like Happy birthday...it would mean so much to me!
 22:32:31 EDT   <marianompondy> when you feel depressed what things make you feel better ?
 22:32:39 EDT   <Alyssa> Happy Birthday.
 22:32:58 EDT   <Mike2001> Alyssa, are you working on any new movies?
 22:33:01 EDT   <Alyssa> My family, my friends and ice cream.
 22:33:01 EDT   <OUbrando> uhh... no its not. My dang room mate must have left the phone off the hook
 22:34:05 EDT   <Engineer> I like the princess leia look...did you ever think of doing a star wars film?
 22:34:05 EDT   <DemolishMan> Hows your relationship with Belthazor-Cole in real life ??
 22:34:05 EDT   <Alyssa> I'm starting a movie this weekend. It's an indy called "Kiss The Bride."
 22:34:25 EDT   <Guest> Holy crap! Am I in the Live Chat with Alyssa?
 22:34:54 EDT   <lilcutiepie> ahh ive got a good question... do u ever lurk on your safesearching board?
 22:35:30 EDT   <Alyssa> All the time. I am watching you!!!!
 22:36:08 EDT   <KellyStewart> Big Sister is watching:)
 22:36:37 EDT   <Alyssa> I would love to do a Star Wars film!!!! Help me Obe One your my only hope.
 22:37:01 EDT   <CharmedChick> Are you getting a new power this season? If yes can you tell us what is it? =)
 22:37:01 EDT   <charmed_i'm_sure> CANADA AND I LOVE ALYSSA
 22:37:08 EDT   <charmed_i'm_sure> CANADA AND I LOVE ALYSSA
 22:37:08 EDT   <AlyssaFan> How doing your mother Lin??? ALyssa
 22:37:18 EDT   <Alyssa> I love Canada.
 22:37:44 EDT   <Alyssa> Mommy's fine. I love her.
 22:37:52 EDT   <The Powers That Be> What is the most important thing to you?
 22:38:08 EDT   <CJHeart> OK lin lin it's lin! whooohooo
 22:38:19 EDT   <lauren> do you own any pets?
 22:38:21 EDT   <Alyssa> Hi C.J.
 22:38:26 EDT   <Alyssa> Family. Love. Peace.
 22:38:30 EDT   <CJHeart> CJ LOVES LIN!
 22:39:00 EDT   <the charmed one> what is you fav movie youve done??
 22:39:00 EDT   <Henry> alyssa where are you from?
 22:39:03 EDT   <Alyssa> I have two dogs, three cats, and seven horses. That's alot of poop.
 22:39:24 EDT   <woogyman?> Why another Tattoo?
 22:39:33 EDT   <AlyssaMilanoFan1> oh yea! I just got a new puppy and I named her PHOEBE!
 22:39:35 EDT   <Alyssa> Why not?
 22:39:52 EDT   <charmingjulian> What is your favorite candy Alyssa?
 22:39:58 EDT   <Alyssa> I got a new puppy too his name is Stanley.
 22:40:06 EDT   <Whitney> what kind of tatoo was it?
 22:41:39 EDT   <badbone> How many tatoo's do you have now?
 22:41:39 EDT   <yoyoyo> She wont answer me :(
 22:41:48 EDT   <Alyssa> Ourobous, It's the ancient symbol for totality and rebirth and my fav dessert are cookies, ice cream, m&m's, fudge, etc.
 22:42:17 EDT   <Imagine> OMG i swear this computer is being thrown away tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 22:42:17 EDT   <the charmed one> lyssa, what is youer fav movie youve done??
 22:42:23 EDT   <Alyssa> Hey yoyoyo, what's your question?
 22:43:18 EDT   <keith> are you going to be on Leno soon
 22:43:18 EDT   <yoyoyo> just sa something to her
 22:43:52 EDT   <Alyssa> Hugo Pool. Don't throw your computer away.
 22:43:52 EDT   <yoyoyo> ill send it to her
 22:44:30 EDT   <Kent> Stipko is lucky to have his mug next to your pretty face!
 22:44:45 EDT   <Alyssa> yoyoyo? Are you out there?The season opener is next week.
 22:45:01 EDT   <kendall> alyssa will you marry me?
 22:45:13 EDT   <4eva_charmed> if it's not too personal, how are things with Brian?
 22:45:24 EDT   <gjkkelso> Do u like being on all the best looking lists ?
 22:45:28 EDT   <Alyssa> Where's my ring?
 22:45:45 EDT   <Alyssa> Things with Brian are amazing!!!!
 22:45:59 EDT   <Mr.smiley> Do you mind that I call your Mom "Momma Milano"
 22:45:59 EDT   <4eva_charmed> what ring?
 22:46:03 EDT   <Engineer> what kind of men are you attracted to?
 22:46:41 EDT   <www.charmedsource.com> Why isn't Brian her chatting??
 22:46:41 EDT   <kendall> What kind of ring would you like?
 22:46:45 EDT   <Alyssa> Intelligent, funny and sensitive.
 22:47:09 EDT   <The Powers That Be> ** Hands his gorgeous prospective wife her $1,000,000 ring **
 22:47:45 EDT   <Biba> What was the last movie you saw????
 22:48:03 EDT   <KellyStewart> Alyssa, What question would you most like to ask us?
 22:48:03 EDT   <Alyssa> Shrek.
 22:49:05 EDT   <Brian Krause> Alyssa what do you want for your bithday
 22:49:09 EDT   <Alyssa> What is your favorite thing about Charmed. The action, comedy, etc?
 22:50:21 EDT   <LyssieGirl> Hey Lyss! What's your fave band?
 22:50:43 EDT   <Alyssa> Remy Zero of course.
 22:50:57 EDT   <Brian Krause> what up with ricky
 22:51:16 EDT   <Kilsaris> What do you prefer pants or skirt???
 22:51:34 EDT   <Brian Krause> skirts
 22:52:10 EDT   <Biba> I love all your Datesaver pictures... they are totally amazing.... You look pretty in all of them....
 22:52:17 EDT   <Brian Krause> yes
 22:52:25 EDT   <Alyssa> Thank you.
 22:52:59 EDT   <Phoebe> Are you going back to brunnett, or is that just the lighting in the room
 22:52:59 EDT   <Paulo> Alyssa!!! :) In real life, would you rather date an angel or a demon?
 22:53:41 EDT   <Alyssa> Brunette.
 22:54:06 EDT   <Scott> Any plans on a visit to Canada? Newfoundland preferably.
 22:55:05 EDT   <chelino1> Would you ever date a fan?
 22:55:05 EDT   <Zoe> Alyssa, what's your favorite broadway musical?
 22:55:21 EDT   <Alyssa> Annie of course.
 22:55:28 EDT   <Brian Krause> do you think Stanley is lonely
 22:55:45 EDT   <Deborah> my daughter is a big fan of yours and the show, she has liked you since seeing you on Who's the Boss with Tony Danza.
 22:56:00 EDT   <Alyssa> Thank you!!!!!
 22:56:02 EDT   <CaptainPicard> Whtas the weather like in california?
 22:56:11 EDT   <Kent> Is Stanley poddy trained yet?
 22:56:16 EDT   <Alyssa> Hot, too hot.
 22:56:16 EDT   <phoebe#1fan> I think that you and Brian are the cutest cupple.
 22:56:22 EDT   <Alyssa> Kinda.
 22:56:33 EDT   <Brian Krause> he pooped in my car
 22:57:00 EDT   <Piper Mary Cherry Milano> What kinds of books do you like to read, Alyssa?
 22:57:00 EDT   <DemolishMan> Your smile is beautiful !
 22:57:10 EDT   <Joseph Wagnon> How old is Stanley?
 22:57:49 EDT   <Brian Krause> stanley is four and a half in dog years
 22:58:03 EDT   <Stacey> Alyssa please say hi 2 me coz i am a big fan of urs but im gonna have 2 go soon :(
 22:58:07 EDT   <Alyssa> I love Kurt Vonnegut. I am reading the Qa'ran right now.
 22:58:13 EDT   <Kent> That was funny Brian! I appreciate the laugh!
 22:58:39 EDT   <chelino1> If you could do somehting else, instead of acting. what would it be
 22:59:05 EDT   <IWantSomeGum> How do we know it's really you, Alyssa? Say something that only you would say.
 22:59:07 EDT   <Alyssa> Chinese doctor. You ask great questions.
 22:59:20 EDT   <blackicegal> Hey Brian. If you're smart, you'll ask Alyssa to marry you by Christmas
 22:59:33 EDT   <chelino1> Thank you
 22:59:40 EDT   <airvato> Why the Qaran?
 22:59:53 EDT   <charmed1461> Alyssa what is your faovirte word to say?
 23:00:15 EDT   <Alyssa> I wanted to know more about Islam.
 23:00:26 EDT   <kitkate27> how is your trailor decorated? both yours and brians?
 23:00:29 EDT   <Alyssa> My fav word is synchronicity.
 23:00:33 EDT   <Brian Krause> Christmas, this year? I don't know if I can wait that long
 23:00:58 EDT   <OUbrando> can you wave at me, its my birthday (next week)
 23:01:15 EDT   <LoUiGi> You're a lucky man Brian
 23:01:15 EDT   <evelien> What is Brain Kruase There?
 23:01:17 EDT   <Alyssa> It looks like a cozy library.
 23:01:29 EDT   <Zoe> hey brian, i think you're hot.
 23:01:43 EDT   <alyssa is fine!!!> where r u ticklish?
 23:01:51 EDT   <airvato> Can you blow me a kiss. I'm in the Army and I'm leaing Saturday.
 23:01:55 EDT   <Alyssa> Everywhere.
 23:02:28 EDT   <Imagine> Do you like Spiders?
 23:02:28 EDT   <Alyssa> Where are you going? Army guy?
 23:03:20 EDT   <OUbrando> im going to the gulf, (they wont tell me anymore than that)
 23:03:33 EDT   <Brian Krause> hi it is I. Trying to type. Thankyou all for watching the show and being great supporters of the most talented and beautiful women in t.v. history.
 23:03:45 EDT   <robfromnv> Alyssa, why are u such a tough nut to crack?
 23:04:04 EDT   <Liz> What did you have for breakfast this morning?
 23:04:11 EDT   <Alyssa> You be safe and know that I will have you in my heart. Write me when you get there.
 23:04:34 EDT   <Alyssa> Breakfast this morning? Cereal.
 23:04:58 EDT   <Alyssa> Did you get my kiss?
 23:04:58 EDT   <Sky> G'day Alyssa, Suspiria a friend of mine wished to know why you chose to make the Movie 'Embrace of a Vampire' I think she called it?
 23:04:58 EDT   <CaptainPicard> Do you like Anime?
 23:05:08 EDT   <Flea> What's the last CD you bought?????
 23:05:40 EDT   <Alyssa> The Golden Hum. I't's Remy Zero's new album.
 23:06:02 EDT   <Sarah> Alyssa, it took me all week to come up with this question. Are you happy with the cole/phoebe story?
 23:06:20 EDT   <Sean> Alyssa,how did you handle all the negativity about the show?did it really bring you down?
 23:06:56 EDT   <Alyssa> Yes, I think the Cole, Phoebe story is great.
 23:07:10 EDT   <Alyssa_is_very_Special> I have a migrain and no one cares =(
 23:07:20 EDT   <Alyssa> I care.
 23:07:25 EDT   <Alyssa> Yes, it brought me down. I'm only human silly.
 23:07:32 EDT   <Imissdan> Is Phoebe going to get a car this season?
 23:07:59 EDT   <Kent> How many children do you want to have?
 23:08:08 EDT   <Alyssa> I want Phoebe to get a Vespa.
 23:08:29 EDT   <Alyssa> I don't know but I do know I want to adopt a bunch.
 23:08:53 EDT   <LiL V303> Alyssa, do u have any quick advise for a slacker in school?
 23:08:53 EDT   <Giancarlo_j> Alyssa I take a lot of time and you have not wanted to answer me
 23:08:53 EDT   <Guest> jordon a wizard
 23:08:53 EDT   <chamilaed> Hello!!!!!!! I just get in...
 23:09:03 EDT   <Alyssa> Don't be a slacker!!!!
 23:09:14 EDT   <Kent> How much is a bunch? 10 or more?
 23:09:26 EDT   <Alyssa> Maybe.
 23:09:40 EDT   <Rodrigo Halliwell> I don't like Cole, I want Phoebe with Leo
 23:09:48 EDT   <Brian Krause> me too
 23:10:10 EDT   <WOLFLIKE> Will you be on Spin City again?
 23:10:13 EDT   <sweep> fun e brian
 23:10:23 EDT   <Pokecharmed> I like Cole. I think he's hot.
 23:10:23 EDT   <Hadar> My biggest dream is to be an actress. Any tips?
 23:10:37 EDT   <Alyssa> I would love to do Spin City again.
 23:10:46 EDT   <evelien> Hey there's brian again/Brain can you wave at me!!!PLAESE!!!
 23:11:02 EDT   <KellyStewart> Where is the best place to visit in USA?
 23:11:11 EDT   <Alyssa> New York.
 23:11:28 EDT   <kendall> do you think david spade is cute?
 23:11:45 EDT   <realcharmed1> RAISES HAND!!
 23:11:58 EDT   <Brian Krause> yes is there anything you would like me to answer
 23:12:06 EDT   <princess_kt> are you and brian getting serious
 23:12:06 EDT   <Alyssa> In that weird, funny, guy way.
 23:12:17 EDT   <Alyssa> Go ahead realcharmed1.
 23:12:28 EDT   <charmedgirl> Do you golf, Brian?
 23:12:42 EDT   <chamilaed> Are you still singing in anything?
 23:12:45 EDT   <Alyssa> Yes, he does, and so do I.
 23:13:04 EDT   <Brian Krause> What's goin on Tabatha
 23:13:08 EDT   <Alyssa> Just in the shower.
 23:13:34 EDT   <realcharmed1> lol
 23:13:34 EDT   <KellyStewart> Alyssa, what is your handicapp?(golf)
 23:14:07 EDT   <CaptainPicard> Alyssa will you ever do sTAR tREK mOVIE?
 23:14:07 EDT   <realcharmed1> are u a good kisser??
 23:14:12 EDT   <Alyssa> I don't have one yet. But I can hit me driver over 2 hundred yards.
 23:14:35 EDT   <Alyssa> Only if I can be a cyborg.
 23:14:47 EDT   <Brian Krause> small dark little hole with a bathroom and a mirror
 23:15:00 EDT   <Whitney> Is Buying The Cow ever going to come out??
 23:15:26 EDT   <HiggBeMe> There are no cyborgs in star trek!
 23:15:29 EDT   <Alyssa> I think so. It's tied up in litigation.
 23:15:54 EDT   <*I_Luv_Cory_Milano*> Alyssa, Do you see cory much?, if so, tell him i luv him ;o)
 23:16:00 EDT   <Alyssa> Opps. You know the hot alien chicks.
 23:16:00 EDT   <Chris> Alyssa, could you please give a hello to my bud Gino who is your biggest fan?
 23:16:21 EDT   <Alyssa> Cory and I live together.
 23:16:43 EDT   <Piper Mary Cherry Milano> CAN'T RAISE HAND MUCH LONGER....
 23:17:00 EDT   <Alyssa> Yes, pmcm?
 23:17:18 EDT   <Giancarlo_j> apologize if my English is not very good
 23:17:19 EDT   <Brian Krause> Hi pixie hope things are well!
 23:17:38 EDT   <bandt001> (*RAISING HAND AND JUMPING UP AND DOWN*)
 23:17:46 EDT   <Alyssa> It's O.K. neither is mine.
 23:18:09 EDT   <airvato> I thought this was your chat. Who is thie BK guy?
 23:18:10 EDT   <www.charmedsource.com> Brian, you're my role model for acting!!
 23:18:13 EDT   <Alyssa> Stay seatedbandt001.
 23:18:44 EDT   <Imissdan> Brian you were such a jerk in the Return to Cabin by the Lake. Did you enjoy the change in character?
 23:19:21 EDT   <Amanda Lynn13> If you only accomplished one thing in your life, what would you want it to be?
 23:19:24 EDT   <Alyssa> If I were a tree I'd be a weeping willow.
 23:19:28 EDT   <Brian Krause> Yes I loved my role in Cabin by the lake. it's nice to mix it up
 23:19:28 EDT   <Lori> do you have a middle name Alyssa?
 23:19:48 EDT   <Alyssa> My middle name is Jayne.
 23:21:06 EDT   <Amanda2121> how many tatts do u have
 23:21:15 EDT   <Brian Krause> December was one of my favorite movies I have done
 23:21:29 EDT   <Alyssa> I have seven tats.
 23:22:20 EDT   <TechMan68132> Do they make you hide them for tv?
 23:22:31 EDT   <CaptainPicard> Would you ever work with Patrick Stewar?
 23:22:42 EDT   <Lori> Brian do you have any tattoos?
 23:22:49 EDT   <Alyssa> They only cover up the one on my back.
 23:22:52 EDT   <Brian Krause> My favorite movie is Braveheart
 23:23:04 EDT   <Alyssa> He's a wussy!!!!!!
 23:23:11 EDT   <Brian Krause> no tattoos of yet
 23:23:16 EDT   <Brian Krause> am not
 23:23:21 EDT   <Alyssa> Are too.
 23:23:32 EDT   <Brian Krause> stop it
 23:23:36 EDT   <Amanda2121> can u have Brian show his face my other sis doesn't know how he is
 23:24:38 EDT   <Whitney> there he is!
 23:24:51 EDT   <charmingjulian> Stick your tongue out Brian!
 23:24:56 EDT   <Chicky> you're cute brian!!!
 23:24:59 EDT   <CharmedByMahBoos> i see him!!
 23:25:05 EDT   <kyle> you have the cutest belly button
 23:25:05 EDT   <Alyssa> My favorite old movie is It's A Wonderful Life.
 23:25:09 EDT   <Zoe> hi Brian! *waves*
 23:25:14 EDT   <kristin> VERY CUTE!!
 23:25:17 EDT   <PoisonLily> i love you briannnnnnnn
 23:25:21 EDT   <robfromnv> Brain is making the men mad
 23:25:25 EDT   <Argentina_17> WHere Was Your First KiSS???
 23:25:53 EDT   <Alyssa> With Brian or in general.
 23:25:53 EDT   <chamilaed> Hello?? anybody home????
 23:26:16 EDT   <Richard> alyssa where are you from?
 23:26:26 EDT   <Poncho> with Brian!!
 23:26:55 EDT   <Hadar> What was the date of your first date? I wanna put it in my diary!
 23:27:22 EDT   <Alyssa> On a street corner in the rain.
 23:27:28 EDT   <Alyssa> I am from N.Y. but I moved here to L.A. when I was 11.
 23:27:45 EDT   <KellyStewart> What starsign are you? and do you believe in horoscopes?
 23:27:54 EDT   <Alyssa> They can't see past the noses on their faces.
 23:28:00 EDT   <evelien> Brooklyn ROCK's!!!
 23:28:10 EDT   <Stacey> which do u prefer NY or LA?
 23:28:13 EDT   <hollyfanatik101> and brian one word to describe alyssa
 23:28:19 EDT   <Alyssa> I am a Sag. I do believe in horoscopes.
 23:28:28 EDT   <KellyStewart> and what starsign are you Brian?
 23:28:28 EDT   <Brian Krause> perfection
 23:28:40 EDT   <Alyssa> I am crying now.
 23:28:48 EDT   <Kent> Do you mesh well with Pieces?
 23:28:50 EDT   <Brian Krause> aquarian
 23:29:12 EDT   <Alyssa> My first boyfriend was a pisces.
 23:29:22 EDT   <Hadar> I'm crying for a long time
 23:29:36 EDT   <HiggBeMe> Will you be my date to the senior prom?
 23:29:36 EDT   <Keith> Is Dorian Gregory a funny guy to work with?
 23:29:57 EDT   <Alyssa> Dorian has the best laugh.
 23:30:16 EDT   <Amanda Lynn13> Are you and Holly really close?
 23:30:16 EDT   <Alyssa> I never got to go to my prom. No one asked me.
 23:30:21 EDT   <robfromnv> Alyssa, did you ever like the New Kids On the Block?
 23:30:23 EDT   <Alyssa> Yes, I love her.
 23:30:32 EDT   <charmingjulian> Is Brad Kern nice to you?
 23:31:02 EDT   <SJT> Could you tell us something about what life looks like through your eyes? Thanks Alyssa
 23:31:02 EDT   <Peruvian Fan> Alyssa, do you still get to see Greg Vaughan?
 23:31:14 EDT   <Dan> Have you ever gotten 'star struck' meeting other celebrities?
 23:31:14 EDT   <Alyssa> I love Brad Kern.
 23:31:23 EDT   <Alyssa> I haven't seen Greg for a while.
 23:31:41 EDT   <Flea> Who is your favorite director????
 23:31:43 EDT   <Alyssa> I always get star struck.
 23:32:14 EDT   <Brian Krause> Michael Bailey Smith is one of the nicest guys I ever met. Very talented,
 23:32:18 EDT   <Whitney> What's the hardest part about filming Charmed?
 23:32:40 EDT   <Immy> Did Brian get star struck when he first met you??
 23:32:59 EDT   <Fridda> Alyssa if you wasn't a celebrety what Would you be ???
 23:32:59 EDT   <JoeY> alyssa, are you a vegetarian?
 23:33:13 EDT   <Lori> Brian did you ever watch whos the boss?
 23:33:20 EDT   <Alyssa> Nope I have meatballs every Sunday.
 23:33:41 EDT   <KellyStewart> Who would you most like to meet (dead or alive)?
 23:33:49 EDT   <Hadar> Do you like to cook?
 23:33:53 EDT   <Alyssa> John Lennon.
 23:34:06 EDT   <Brian Krause> I think all of America watched Who's the Boss
 23:34:11 EDT   <Alyssa> I love to bake.
 23:34:19 EDT   <Flea> JohnLennon rocks!!
 23:34:43 EDT   <hollyfanatik101> who is the better cook
 23:34:43 EDT   <Poncho> Brian what do u think about Rose?? do u like her??
 23:34:50 EDT   <HiggBeMe> Do you realize I should be studying right now, but instead I am looking at the most beautiful woman alive.
 23:34:50 EDT   <Poncho> Brian what do u think about Rose?? do u like her??
 23:35:10 EDT   <Alyssa> You better study I like smart guys.
 23:35:30 EDT   <Peruvian Fan> what's the best present anyone can give you?
 23:35:30 EDT   <Happymeat> Alyssa, do you feel weird watching yourself on tv?
 23:35:30 EDT   <Brian Krause> Return to the Blue Lagoon was amazing and life changing experience. The time I spent in Fiji was invaluble.
 23:35:51 EDT   <Alyssa> Friendship.
 23:36:11 EDT   <evelien> Do you ever watch any of you're own shows?(Alyssa or Brian)I can really recomend them,you guys are good actors
 23:36:20 EDT   <dpman> Alyssa please I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP I've waited so long
 23:36:40 EDT   <Alyssa> What's the matter?
 23:36:40 EDT   <Hadar> What's your fave part in your body?
 23:36:40 EDT   <monina17> i want to see a kiss between you and brian!!!!!!!...one little kiss, i think you 2 look cute together!!!!!
 23:37:35 EDT   <Alyssa> Why don't you ask Brian that question?
 23:38:11 EDT   <dpman> @my school
 23:38:11 EDT   <Hadar> me?
 23:38:25 EDT   <Alyssa> what's wrong with your school?
 23:39:29 EDT   <OUbrando> Which pic of you would you have me post next to my bunk when I ship out? Is there anyway I could have it signed?
 23:39:29 EDT   <Joseph Wagnon> How did you learn how to type?
 23:39:56 EDT   <Alyssa> I am the worst typer. I use four fingers.
 23:40:12 EDT   <Peruvian Fan> what's the most amazin place you've ever been to?
 23:40:59 EDT   <Alyssa> South Africa.
 23:41:12 EDT   <OUbrando> Which pic of you would you have me post next to my bunk when I ship out? Is there anyway I could have it signed?
 23:41:50 EDT   <Alyssa> The one from T.V. guide where I am wearing the American flag top!!!!!!!
 23:41:58 EDT   <Valerie23> who's your best friend?
 23:42:17 EDT   <CharmedByMahBoos> alyssa, can you wave?
 23:42:17 EDT   <Alyssa> My best friend is Alaa Khaled.
 23:42:27 EDT   <Kissman> Your favorite drink??
 23:42:35 EDT   <Sunshine> Would you stay here all night chattign with us if you could?
 23:42:37 EDT   <Alyssa> Diet Coke.
 23:42:44 EDT   <AJM> Is it hard to keep friendships alive in that business?
 23:42:46 EDT   <Alyssa> Yes.
 23:43:05 EDT   <CharmedByMahBoos> alyssa, do you love your fans?
 23:43:12 EDT   <charmedgirl> Yes friendships or yes chat?
 23:43:21 EDT   <Hadar> Where so you see yourself 10 years from now?
 23:43:21 EDT   <Alyssa> More than you know.
 23:43:28 EDT   <Alyssa> Both.
 23:43:40 EDT   <Alyssa> Old.
 23:43:47 EDT   <Immy> How many close friends do you have?
 23:43:55 EDT   <Alyssa> Four.
 23:45:14 EDT   <Alyssa> O.k. I gotta go you guys. I just want to say thank you for being sweet. Stay safe. Light and love. Peace.


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