In year 2000 we carried out a
hundred of escapes turned to the data acquisition inherent in the
cavities to environmental risk monitoring, in topographical
reliefs, photo, biospelaeology, practices in cliff arena, visits
guided and search of new cavities. On behalf of Puglia Region we
realized a work regarding the cadastre of some garganiche karstic
areas, while for National Park of the Gargano, in the within of a
lasted plan three months, we realized some visits guided in the
cave of Montenero. In August the customary summery field has been
kept on Mounts Alburnums during which we executed the relief of
the Cave Hole in Head and we explored some smaller cavities. In
the same month we organized a spelaeological countryside on the
southern Carpazi, in Rumania.
Romania 2000. The Sereanului descent (Carpazi).
The didactic activity was intense. Between April and May we carried out XX spelaeology course of 1° level. In May we kept a modernization stage for the Institute Montessori of Foggia teachers. In some schools of the province we carried out some lessons about kartsism and spelaeology , moreover we accompanied to Montenero a group of students of the Barium University. In September we organized a course of 2° level about biospelaeology to which joined 32 participants.
Biospelaeology course .