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cia - the world factbook -- rank order - population

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United Nations Population Information Network (POPIN)
A guide to population information on UN system web sites. United Nations Population Division - Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Office of Population Research, Princeton University
If you have a java-enabled browser you will see our World Population Clock dynamically updated at every tick of the clock.
World Population Prospects: The 2004 Revision Population Database
Population, Population density, Urban population, Rural population, Percentage urban, Percentage rural. Select Country/Region (up to 5):. World, Africa
World Overpopulation Awareness (population)
World Overpopulation Awareness is a non profit organization that endeavors to make people aware of population, overpopulation, its impacts,
State of World Population 2006
About UNFPA · Population Issues · UNFPA Worldwide · Latest News · State of World Population · ICPD and MDG Followup · Publications
The Hive Group - Creators of Honeycomb Technology
Population, population density, and geographic area estimates used in this map are taken from the CIA Factbook 2004, a wonderful public domain source of
CIA - The World Factbook -- Rank Order - Population
Country. Population. Date of Information. 1. World, 6525170264, July 2006 est. 2. China, 1313973713, July 2006 est. 3. India, 1095351995, July 2006 est.
GeoHive: Global Statistics
The main kind of data you can find here is population statistics of regions, countries, provinces and 2006-05-14, Current world population (renewed)
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