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Germany: Falling Population ?Cannot Be Halted? New York Times
Germany?s population could drop to about 70 million by 2050, from 82.4 million now, because of low birth rates, the Federal Statistics Office said. The country already has one of the lowest birth rates in Europe. ?The population decline cannot be halted,? said Walter Rademacher, the vice president of the statistics office. According to the estimates, by 2050 the number of Germans over 60 will be
Eastern Europe, Ireland, among fund manager's favorite markets Market Watch
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Estonia is not quite the fashion capital of the world, but mutual-fund manager Thomas Ross sees a trend among the status-seeking shoppers enjoying Eastern Europe's economic boom.
German Population Projected to Drop RedNova
Germany's population will drop by as many as 12 million people, or 15 percent, by 2050 due to low birth rates, an official report forecasts.
China's reverse population bomb Financial Express
SHANGHAI - A secret of China's success in becoming a global manufacturing hub in such a short period of 20-plus years lies in a unique resource - it mammoth population, which ensures an endless supply of cheap labor. But China may not maintain this edge for long.
Local heroes: Enterprise for local economies OECD Observer
Jerez, an historic town in Andalucia, Spain, is the home of sherry. In 1991, it had one of the highest levels of unemployment in Europe. Around 19,000 people – some 42% of the active population – were in search of work.
Angiotech's Vascular WrapTM trial results demonstrate reduced incidence of amputation CNW Group via Yahoo! Finance
Angiotech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. , a global specialty pharmaceutical and medical device company, announced today the results from its European first-in-man study for its Vascular Wrap paclitaxel-eluting product.
Sabanci: Europe Needs Turkey More Than Turkey Needs Europe TurkishPress.com
ANKARA - "In the long run and in economic terms Europe needs Turkey more than Turkey needs Europe," Sabanci Holding Chairman Guler Sabanci has indicated.
The World Comes To US Sites WebProNews
As the number of Internet users has increased throughout the world, Americans now comprise a smaller percentage of them. That growth has led to a shift in the numbers of international versus domestic visitors to US sites. Communication has done more to bring the world closer together than any other aspect of society. That was aptly demonstrated by the figures cited by measurement firm
German Population Plunge Expected Deutsche Welle
Germany's population will drop by as much as 12 million by 2050 due to low birth rates, according to an official forecast released Tuesday.
Why water is gravest challenge facing humanity Independent
The children of the Grace Revival School do not have far to go when they need the lavatory. They get up from their ramshackle desks and move just outside their corrugated iron classroom to the vast dungheap that stands beside the building.

Optimum Population Trust: Too many people - in Europe
As Europe's population ages, however, the number of those of working age (15-64) would become smaller in relation to those of 'non-working' age.
Europe's Population Decline: Problem or Opportunity? by Norman
Could this phenomenon, seen in many eyes as a problem, turn out to be a semi-solution to Europe's population outlook (if decline is a problem)?
Europe Internet Stats - Population Statistics
spacer 807289020 population estimate for Europe in 2006. spacer 308712903 Internet users and a 38.2% penetration as of Sept/2006
Charlemagne | Europe's population implosion | Economist.com
The fact that Europe's population is shrinking and ageing will inevitably also affect the aspirations of some Europeans to create a superpower to rival the
in focus
but the largest occurred in. Member States of the Council of Europe. outside the EU. : the Ukraine experienced a loss in the population of over
Medieval demography - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Estimates of total population of Europe are speculative, but at the time of Charlemagne it is thought to be between 25 and 30 million, and of this 15
2050, the working age population of Europe would be down to 364 million, Scenario III keeps the size of the total population of Europe constant at its
Europe—which already has 19 of the world's 20 oldest countries in terms of population age—will see its populations continue to age to unprecedented levels
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