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300 Million and Counting: Population and America
America passed a major demographic milestone this week: the US population reached 300 million people. (At least, so say the best estimates - no one knows the exact population at any given time.
Spotted Owl Starves, Population Falls to 16
Though the spotted owl is more widespread in America's Pacific Northwest, their population has been rapidly falling in British Columbia - its only home in Canada - under the heavy pressure of old growth clear cut logging.
New Jersey Town Named Safest in America
“It has a slightly older, more female population than the rest of the country…” Could this account for the safety factor? I bet it could. The other towns in the top five are:. Amherst, NY Mission Viejo, Calif. Troy, Mich. Newton, Mass
PhRMA Statement on Priorities for the Coming Year
Today, 90 percent of the Medicare population has comprehensive drug coverage, and they are saving on average $1200 a year. Clearly, the new program is working very well and exceeding expectations. “America’s pharmaceutical research
EM Woods: "Democracy as the Ideology of Empire"
which 80 percent of the world's population will be more or less superfluous". particularly America, is in possession of the answers, the magic formulae, For instance, take Bush's recent claim that if America leaves Iraq then
Fitzgerald: May both sides win
voices expressing delight over "the defeat of America" will grow fainter. who might be turned against the Arabs in the same immigrant population, no more "life in America for Muslims is great" and no more rock music and
Middle America Turns Democratic
The middle of middle America turns to the Democrats. Ed Pilkington in Owensville, Indiana Wednesday November 8, 2006 Guardian Unlimited. If you draw a line across the US, splitting its population, with 150m people to the north of the
May both sides win
the shrill voices expressing delight over "the defeat of America" will grow fainter. who might be turned against the Arabs in the same immigrant population, but only as part of a population exchange with local Muslim Arabs).
Swamp Sunrise
9 am HEALTH JOURNALISM-AFRICA — The Voice of America holds a panel discussion 9 am VETERANS COMMISSION — Commission on the Future for America’s Veterans about coping with Spain’s aging population, with Mario Catalan of the IMF.
Mapping Religion in America
A research organization has created various maps of the religious population in America, where the highest amount of Catholics, Mormons, Muslims, and Jews, etc. are throughout the country

Peopling North America: Population Movements and Migration
Presents a historical overview of migration to and within Canada, the United States, Mexico and the Caribbean from Europe, Asia and Africa.
American FactFinder
American FactFinder is your source for population, housing, economic and geographic data from Census 2000, the 1990 Decennial Census, the 1997 and 2002
America Internet Usage and Population Statistics
NOTES: (1) Internet Usage and Population Statistics for North America were Internet Usage in South America. SOUTH AMERICA. Population ( Est. 2006 )
PAA - Job Announcements
POPULATION ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA JOB POSTING GUIDELINES FOR PAA WEB SITE. In order for PAA to add a job announcement or funding opportunity to our website,
World Gazetteer - current population figures for cities, towns and places World Gazetteer: United States of America - current population figures for cities,

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