Scientist digs into the human brain Pensacola News Journal Use it or loose it. Toddlers Learn Complex Actions From Picture-book Reading, Says New Research Science Daily Parents who engage in the age-old tradition of picture-book reading are not only encouraging early reading development in their children but are also teaching their toddlers about the world around them, according to a study in the November issue of Developmental Psychology, published by the American Psychological Association (APA). This finding shows that interactions with life-like color Children Show Strong Preference For Lucky Individuals Science Daily Children as young as five to seven years of age prefer lucky individuals over the less fortunate, according to new research by psychologists at Harvard University and Stanford University. This phenomenon, the researchers say, could clarify the origins of human attitudes toward differing social groups and help explain the persistence of social inequality. ACCEPTED San Jose Mercury News After being rejected by eight colleges, Ohio teen Bartleby Gaines (Justin Long) invents his own college out of thin air, initially creating a fake Web site and letterhead. Then with $10,000 in tuition money from his parents, he and some friends rent a decrepit psychiatric hospital and transform it into a fake campus. They devise a student-directed curriculum that encompasses skateboarding, [Opinion] The media prophet and its monthly 'cure' The Minnesota Daily One thing of the things I hate most is misrepresentation of scientific research in the media. If you are a big Google News fan, you might have seen the medical study on red wine Can caffeine protect against Alzheimer's? USA Today New research suggests that caffeine can offer protection against Alzheimer's disease. Experts say drinking coffee may also help protect the brain from Parkinson's disease. Should we still be in Iraq? Ridgecrest Daily Independent With everything that's been going on in our country, should we still be trying to save Iraq or should we be concentrating on saving our selves? Film Listings San Francisco Bay Guardian Film listings are edited by Cheryl Eddy. Reviewers are Robert Avila, Kimberly Chun, Michelle Devereaux, Susan Gerhard, Max Goldberg, Dennis Harvey, Johnny Ray Huston, Jonathan L. Knapp, Laurie Koh, Lynn Rapoport, Jason Shamai, and Chuck Stephens. The film intern is Sara Schieron. Thoughtless Shopping a Form of Pillaging Ohmynews Being a good consumer really means being conscientious. For example, when buying tuna, take special care that the tuna you're buying describes itself as "dolphin friendly" Are bodyguards today saviour or turning killers? Central Chronicle Is internet a source of information for youths or spoils them? Alka Dixit: Computer is really a miracle for the 21st century people. If you consider internet as a source of information, then there is no doubt in its usefulness.
stock photography, Nervous System, Pictures, Human Brain, Brains Anatomy - Nervous System, Brains, Pictures by Wernher Krutein. Explore the Brain - EnchantedLearning.com Anatomy and function of the human brain. First search engine with spelling correction and pictures! Search EnchantedLearning.com for all the words: Understanding Addiction Picture of the human brain. Your brain includes billions of neurons which are specialised cells, allowing your brain to learn, reason, and remember. Brain Channels/Evolution Channel - Modern Physical Brain The evidence of the evolution of the human brain can be found in its This makes looking inside the human brain like gazing into a living fossil! split-brain.html CHICAGO -- Cutting apart the two hemispheres of the human brain is a Go here to see some pictures of the corpus callosum in pickled human brains.