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Feminism is undermining human evolution!
Tucker wrote a remarkably silly piece in the American Spectator in which he drew deeply faulty conclusions from human genetics to support a thesis rife with misogyny and foolish chauvinism on human evolution.
Accelerated human evolution in non-coding regions? reprise
The other day, I mentioned a paper in Science claiming that non-coding regions have played a large role in human evolution. In the paper, the authors devise a new test for finding human-lineage-specific evolution, and apply to to a
Did Interbreeding Between Humans and Neanderthals Lead to a Bigger
The new research, which was published online during the week of November 6, 2006, in the early edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), suggests that human evolution was not just a matter of spontaneous
Interesting hot-off-the-press publications on human evolution
CNSs accelerated in mouse showed no bias toward neuronal cell adhesion. Our results indicate that widespread cis-regulatory changes in human evolution may have contributed to uniquely human features of brain development and function
Magisterial Statements concerning Creation/evolution controversy
The famous German theologian Matthias Scheeben, in his Dogmatica, Book III , condemned the idea of human evolution as being heretical. Rev. Fr. B. Harrison informs us that, following the example of the Council of Cologne,
Accelerated human evolution in non-coding regions?
We've discussed the roles of protein-coding sequence change to non-coding change in human evolution before. A new article in Science claims to add more support for the role of non-coding changes. In a set of over 100000 conserved
The nonsense claim about human evolution
There's a really really dumb article getting a lot of attention in the media about the future of human evolution. Razib has a deprecating post about it, but I thought I'd add my two Australian cents (=0.006 US cents) worth.
Dobzhansky on continuing human evolution
On a bit of a writing junket for his book, Mankind Evolving, in 1963 Theodosius Dobzhansky put an essay in Current Anthropology titled "Anthropology and the Natural Sciences -- The Problem of Human Evolution."
I think holy means full of holes: Bullet holes - Jerusalem, Israel
Not particularly memorable except an exhibit on human evolution with skulls of modern man, australopithecine, a baboon and other intermediates which two little girls were looking at. They were maybe 7 years old.
Prehistoric marine worm may shed light on human evolution: Study
Washington, Nov 3: A team of neuroscientists and zoologists of the University of Florida has concluded through genetic analysis that a prehistoric marine worm may be the ancestor of humans

A Science Odyssey: You Try It: Human Evolution
Explores when humans evolved, who their ancestors were, and why these species adapted. Includes Shockwave game.
Human evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Human evolution is that part of biological evolution concerning the The term "human", in the context of human evolution, refers to the genus Homo,
Handprint : Ancestral Lines
Linked from this page are documents summarizing the hominid fossil record and hypothesized lines of human evolution from 5 million years ago to the present.
Fossil Hominids: the evidence for human evolution
An overview of human evolution, summarizing current thinking and describing the fossil evidence for Australopithecus and Homo.
Human Evolution: The fossil evidence in 3D
An online 3D gallery of modern primate relatives and fossil human ancestors.

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