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Pituitary hormone in menopause under study Medical College of Georgia
Regulating a hormone abundant in women approaching menopause could offer alternatives for hormone replacement therapy, Medical College of Georgia researchers say.
Longer Hormone Therapy Doesn't Help Prostate Cancer Patients Live Longer, Study Finds Science Daily
Prostate cancer patients treated with either radiation or surgery who use hormone therapy for longer than six months do not survive any longer than patients who use the treatment for a shorter amount of time, according to a study presented November 5, 2006, at the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology's 48th Annual Meeting in Philadelphia.
Pituitary Hormone In Menopause Under Study Medical News Today
Regulating a hormone abundant in women approaching menopause could offer alternatives for hormone replacement therapy, Medical College of Georgia researchers say.Follicle-stimulating hormone, released by the pituitary gland, is involved in controlling the menstrual cycle and the production of eggs by the ovaries. [click link for full article]
Experts Available To Explain Facts About Bioidentical Hormones, Hormone Replacement Therapies Medical News Today
Experts from The Endocrine Society are available to speak with journalists about the health issues surrounding the use of bioidentical hormones, which have been inaccurately touted as safe and effective alternatives to traditional hormone therapies. [click link for full article]
Experts Available to Explain Facts about Bioidentical Hormones, Hormone Replacement Therapies Newswise
Experts from The Endocrine Society are available to speak with journalists about the health issues surrounding the use of bioidentical hormones, which have been inaccurately touted as safe and effective alternatives to traditional hormone therapies. Experts can explain why these claims have no scientific or medical evidence to support them, and the fundamentals of hormone replacement therapy,
BodyLogicMD Featured as Hormone Expert in New Book, "Ageless" SYS-CON Media
A couple years ago, Dr. Paul Savagereceived a phone call from Suzanne Somers inquiring about his network ofphysicians, philosophies, practices and treatments. Little did he know thatphone call would lead to his own chapter in Somers' new book 'Ageless,' one of the most thorough exposés on slowing the aging process.
BodyLogicMD Featured As Hormone Expert in New Book, "Ageless" RedNova
A couple years ago, Dr. Paul Savage received a phone call from Suzanne Somers inquiring about his network of physicians, philosophies, practices and treatments.
BodyLogicMD Featured as Hormone Expert in New Book, "Ageless" Market Wire via Yahoo! Finance
A couple years ago, Dr. Paul Savage received a phone call from Suzanne Somers inquiring about his network of physicians, philosophies, practices and treatments. Little did he know that phone call would lead to his own chapter in Somers' new book "Ageless," one of the most thorough exposés on slowing the aging process.
New hormone therapy sparks debate MSNBC
Bioidenticals are custom-made chemicals designed in a lab by pharmacists who say they use the same molecular recipe a woman's body uses to create her own hormones. But are they any safer than traditional hormone therapy? NBC's Chief Medical Editor Dr. Nancy Snyderman reports.
Lecturer weighs in on hormone therapy Gainesville Sun
With about 2 million women in the United States entering menopause this year alone, those involved in women's health care are constantly asked for their recommendations about how best to deal with what used to be called "the change."

Bad News About Hormone Replacement Therapy
On July 9, patients and health care providers alike paid rapt attention when the federal government’s National Institutes of Health released findings
Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy Information - National Institutes
National and regional health resources on Hormone Replacement Therapy — MedlinePlus. Chemoprevention for Hormone Replacement Therapy — U.S. Preventive
Hormone replacement therapy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For hormone replacement therapy in general, and for other instances in which Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a system of medical treatment for
Imaginis - Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Award-winning, breast cancer information and news resource. Imaginis also covers related breast cancer health topics such as hormone replacement therapy
Hormone therapy, treatment for menopause on MedicineNet.com
Hormone Therapy At A Glance. In this article, the term "hormone therapy" or "HT" is replacing the outdated terminology "hormone replacement therapy" or "HRT

Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy Information - National Institutes
National and regional health resources on Hormone Replacement Therapy — MedlinePlus. Chemoprevention for Hormone Replacement Therapy — U.S. Preventive
Hormone replacement therapy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For hormone replacement therapy in general, and for other instances in which Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a system of medical treatment for
Hormone replacement therapy (trans) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The requirements for hormone replacement therapy vary immensely, often at least a certain time of psychological counselling is required, and so is a time of
Imaginis - Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Award-winning, breast cancer information and news resource. Imaginis also covers related breast cancer health topics such as hormone replacement therapy
Hormone therapy, treatment for menopause on MedicineNet.com
Hormone Therapy At A Glance. In this article, the term "hormone therapy" or "HT" is replacing the outdated terminology "hormone replacement therapy" or "HRT
Menopause - Hormone Replacement Therapy
Companion website for the Quantum ABC TV special on menopause.
It's Your Health - Benefits and Risks of Hormone Replacement
For many years, women have been prescribed Estrogen with or without Progestin Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to relieve some of the symptoms of menopause
Hormone Therapy
Hormone Therapy (HT) or Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is the giving of the female hormones oestrogen and progesterone, and sometimes testosterone.
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