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Letter to Suzanne Somers October 11, 2006 Suzanne Somers c/o Amy
If considering biodentical hormone therapy, women (and men) should work with qualified health professionals experienced and trained in the treatments with bioidentical hormones, a trained medical practitioner who understands disease
Learn the Facts about "Bioidentical" Hormone Therapy
The NWHRC presents Women's Health Updates: "Hormone Therapy Options: Bioidentical Hormones," to help women understand the terms associated with the latest trends in menopausal hormone therapy
The Basics of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
What you should know about bioidentical hormone therapy
Doctors Challenge Suzanne Somers' Anti-Aging Advice
He believes we can extrapolate data from what was learned during years of synthetic HRT research and apply it to bioidentical treatments, showing they are no safer and no different than other forms of hormone therapy.
The Basics of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
The Basics of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a method used to help treat the symptoms of menopause. Although bioidentical hormones are not yet FDA approved, they are being used more
BodyLogicMD Offers Botox, Hormone Therapy and Skin Care Services
Dr. Paul Savage is the founder of BodyLogicMD, a nationwide network of physicians specializing in bioidentical hormone therapy. Dr. Savage received his medical degree from the University of Michigan and is double board certified by the
Suzanne Summers and "The Juice of Youth": Bioidentical Hormone
But her current project, a book about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has more than a few people worried. The book, though, has raised the hormone levels of at least seven medical doctors. The doctors — three of whom are quoted
Suzanne Somers Is Trying to Kill You
OlYellaCerebella: Yes ok, but what about dispensing advice to menopausal women about "bioidentical hormone-replacement therapy?" Is she really qualified for that? DishUpontheStars: If Suzanne Somers wants me on bioidentical
Treating the Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance
‘Using bioidentical hormone therapy to treat menopause can help women feel normal again, they can get their life back.’” (From the Menopause Report). For a FREE e-Book by Dr. Hotze on Estrogen Dominance and Natural Hormone Replacement
Natural Hormone Therapy HRT
As promised, I said we would talk more about the bioidentical, or natural hormone replacement therapy that has recently caused a controversy and drawn new interest on the subject after noted actress Suzanne Somers wrote a book on the

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy, Bioidentical Hormones
Bioidentical Hormones - The North American Menopause Society offers information about bioidentical hormone therapy, custom-compounded hormones and hormone
At HormoneProfile.com Directory Natural Bioidentical Hormones
HormoneProfile.com: Over 2 Decades in BHRT Bio-identical Hormone Therapies Biologically Identical Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy: Bioidentical Hormone
The important thing to remember is that for a hormone to be considered "natural" or "bioidentical," its structure must replicate exactly the structure of
Menopause: Bioidentical Hormones, Bio-identical Hormones
See: Bioidentical Hormones Individualized To Fit Your Needs. Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy (NHRT): If you are currently on or considering the use of
Official Web Site of John R. Lee, M.D.
Your Information Source for Natural Progesterone, Hormone Balance and Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. Over a decade ago, Dr. John Lee first
A Fresh Look at Hormone Therapy
Because they are considered natural formulations, bioidentical hormones are not regulated by the FDA the way traditional hormone therapy is.
Hormone replacement therapy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1 HRT with bioidentical human hormones distinguished from animal and chemical analogues; 2 Results of the WHI hormone replacement therapy studies
No Scientific Evidence Supporting Effectiveness or Safety of
No Scientific Evidence Supporting Effectiveness or Safety of Compounded Bioidentical Hormone Therapy. Washington, DC -- There is no scientific evidence to
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