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country of the victorious democrats
who have been in power for 12 years, will mean serious adjustments in the course of America's foreign policy, particularly in the direction of Russia. Yesterday US President George Bush
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Russia won?t show the widely featured "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan," which is a keen satire on life and manners in today?s Kazakhstan.
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America, Russia, and the Politics of Elections I'm looking at the results of the midterm Congressional elections in the United States and remembering how, after September 11, 2001, the nation rallied
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tutti, ma proprio tutti, i loro personaggi preferiti. I Kids? Choice Awards sono nati in America e col tempo hanno raggiunto un successo paragonabile alla Cerimonia degli Oscar: solo
la soluzione e' la democrazia diretta
e la vicinanza geografica permisero all'antica Atene di realizzare, sarà realizzato dall'America e dal mondo grazie ad Internet." Il male della democrazia rappresentativa è l'accentramento di
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Donald Rumsfeld si dimetteAl suo posto l’ex capo della CiaWASHINGTON -I repubblicani escono sconfitti dal midterm e Donald Rumsfeld,segretario alla Difesa americana, annuncia le sue dimissioni.
l'america democratica
E LEZIONI di medio termine sconvolgenti in America, dove dopo 12 anni la rivoluzione neoconservatrice repubblicana è giunta al termine della parabola di consenso. George W. Bush ha dissipato, in
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Sheraton di Manhattan, per esser stati al suo fianco e aver votato "per cambiare le cose" in America. "I tempi sono maturi per il cambiamento, per risolvere i problemi di New York e dell'America. Sono pronti per un nuovo inizio", ha detto l'ex first lady. E ha citato il vicepresidente Dick
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Ce l$/$hanno fatta, a quanto pare. Dopo 12 anni di $//$purgatorio$//$, i Democratici riconquistano una netta maggioranza alla Camera Usa. Più incerta la situazione al Senato, dove servono sei seggi. I
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L'avevo scritto il 9 ottobre scorso commentando i primi sondaggi a picco, dopo gli scandali di natura omosessuale di un rappresentante dei Repubblicani. Viene confermato dal risultato odierno e da un

America's Library
Presented by the Library of Congress, a site with information about American people and historical events, and each of its states.
Roadside America - Guide to Uniquely Odd Tourist Attractions
Homepage for Roadside America, your travel guide to offbeat attractions, tourist traps, weird vacations, and roadtrips. Let the Travel Brain do the driving!
Archiving Early America
Understanding Early America through primary source documents-- scenes and portraits from original newspapers, maps and writings.
America Official Website with Gerry Beckley and Dewey Bunnell
VenturaHighway.com - the online home of music group America featuring Gerry Beckley and Dewey Bunnell and hit songs Horse With No Name, Sister Golden Hair,
Science & Technology at Scientific American.com: science news
Science and Technology from Scientific American: daily science news and technology news, science trivia, science experts, science newsletters, science shop,

Roadside America - Guide to Uniquely Odd Tourist Attractions
Homepage for Roadside America, your travel guide to offbeat attractions, tourist traps, weird vacations, and roadtrips. Let the Travel Brain do the driving!
Archiving Early America
Understanding Early America through primary source documents-- scenes and portraits from original newspapers, maps and writings.
America Official Website with Gerry Beckley and Dewey Bunnell
VenturaHighway.com - the online home of music group America featuring Gerry Beckley and Dewey Bunnell and hit songs Horse With No Name, Sister Golden Hair,
Science & Technology at Scientific American.com: science news
Science and Technology from Scientific American: daily science news and technology news, science trivia, science experts, science newsletters, science shop,
America's Job Bank - job search engine - Jobs
Are you looking for your dream job? Post your resume, set up an automated job search. Search through our database of over one million jobs nationwide.
Welcome to America's Career InfoNet
America's Career InfoNet helps people make better, more informed career decisions. Check education, knowledge, skills and abilities, and licensing against
Air America Radio |
Last year she won the Society of American Business Editors and Writers' (1:30) Rachel Maddow, the host of The Rachel Maddow Show on Air America Radio
America's Army - Special Forces - Home Page
America's Army, the Official US Army Game (AA), provides young Americans with a virtual web-based environment in which they can explore Army career
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