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High-Rise Syndrome
As most people know, when a cat is able to see, it will usually land on its feet. It's a neat knack they've had to evolve over eons of climbing trees to cache their kills, evade predators, and look down on the world from a high bough.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Affects Millions
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Affects Millions
Facts About Asperger Syndrome
Asperger syndrome is a pervasive developmental disorder that affects many children and Asperger’s syndrome is a form of autism and it falls within the autism spectrum of disorders. Full article on Asperger Syndrome Learn about [
Stress Increases Risk Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
If you live a high stress life you are probably setting yourself up to get chronic fatigue syndrome decades later. Stress can have repercussions later in life in the form
Comment on High-Rise Syndrome by: sifounak
Down Syndrome an example of the previous statement. A parent does not have to have Down Syndrome for the child to be born with it. And I disagree with the argument that a god creates these genetic mutations because if that were the case
After the Diagnosis: Grieve Your Old Life
How did you feel when you were first diagnosed with fibromyalgia (FM) or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)? Although you may have been relieved to finally have a name for
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Explained
Generally defined in laymans terms, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition in which the large intestine is not operating the Medically IBS is not referred to as a disease, rather a disorder or more specifically a syndrome.
Comment on High-Rise Syndrome by: rp2
CATS!!! EVOLUTION!!! GOD!!! It's those damn Canadians againâ€
Comment on High-Rise Syndrome by: zyrion
Being an Evolutionary Biology major from an Ivy League institution, I find this discussion fascinating. I would be interested to hear how Shandooga would describe the process of evolution. Do you understand the process of meiosis vs.
Comment on High-Rise Syndrome by: sifounak
Leighther said: "Yay for cats and conservation of angular momentum. You, my friend, are the embodiment of everything that is life in that statement alone. I applaud you. That was one of the most enjoyable things I've read in this entire

Tourette Syndrome Association Inc
Develops and disseminates educational materials; stimulates support for research; apprises members of rights, services, and benefits provided by government
Down Syndrome Title Page
A listing of organizations worldwide, support groups, and toy catalogs for children of special needs.
Stockholm syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in an abducted Stockholm syndrome is also sometimes discussed in reference to other
The Williams Syndrome Association
Welcome to the Williams Syndrome Association, your source for the most up to date information about Williams syndrome.
Angelman Syndrome Foundation
ASF's Mission is to advance the awareness and treatment of Angelman Syndrome through education, information exchange and research.

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