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The Smoke "Monster" | revision 23
The smoke on the island is a living, almost breathing entity and swirls around in the The smoke has made periodic appearances, starting in Season One, As they carefully make their way back through the jungle, the smoke Monster
In Which I Smell the Smoke
You know that eventually smoking will kill you all by itself. But to top it off, And I know you're canceling out its effects with every cigarette you smoke. For six months before your shoulder surgery, you were smoke-free.
"If you don't smoke, but breathe in the smoke of
"If you don't smoke, but breathe in the smoke of others (secondhand smoke) you are also at increased risk for lung cancer. A nonsmoker who is married to a smoker has a 30% greater risk of developing lung cancer than the spouse of a
[bragging] My office is smoke-free.
My office is smoke-free. All restaurants are smoke-free. Pubs and bars have to supply an enclosed smoking room that keeps the smoke from the rest of the premises. [/bragging]. This post should be from Deathhacker, lot Lifehacker,
Learn To Enhance And Use Your Mind Power To Quit Smoking
For example, whenever you meet up with friends, you usually smoke. So when you about to meet them the next time, your mind would have already position itself to want to smoke and subconsciously derive the pleasure from doing so.
Children exposed to smoke prone to bladder cancer
London, Nov 9: Children exposed to smoke may be prone to bladder cancer later in life, says a new study
Coming Soon: Podcast and Radio Commentary
And here's a coming attraction: If all goes as expected, I will soon be presenting a weekly syndicated radio commentary called BioScience Views. More about that soon. Thanks all for your support of Secondhand Smoke
"upon googling "smoke like a sieve" i was only
"upon googling "smoke like a sieve" i was only able to find instances where people talked about *leaking* smoke like a sieve." Apparently it's only local people to me that say it, and apparently they don't spread the phrase all over
Media Boosterism About Cloning Won't Be Enough: Taxpayers Will
The MO election is over, the cloners have won, and yet the in-the-tank Missouri media continues its boosterism and shilling. This giddy story, from the St. Louis Post Dispatch, byline Rachel Melcer, is pure hype. It's Boom Time, folks!
Smoke 'em if you got 'em
and break out that bottle you had tucked away for Fitzmas, because. Breaking News Alert: Democrats Win Control of Senate Last Updated: 11-08-06 at 5:44PM WASHINGTON -- Democrats wrested control of the Senate from Republicans

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