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Longer Hormone Therapy Doesn't Help Prostate Cancer Patients Live Longer, Study Finds Science Daily
Prostate cancer patients treated with either radiation or surgery who use hormone therapy for longer than six months do not survive any longer than patients who use the treatment for a shorter amount of time, according to a study presented November 5, 2006, at the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology's 48th Annual Meeting in Philadelphia.
A Gentler Prostate Cancer Therapy CBS News
A new study suggests that some men who take hormone therapy for prostate cancer for more than six months do not live as long as those treated a shorter time.
ASTRO: More Than Six Months of Hormone Therapy Doesn't Help Prostate Cancer Patients Live Longer U.S. Newswire via Yahoo! News
Prostate cancer patients treated with either radiation or surgery who use hormone therapy for longer than six months do not survive any longer than patients who use the treatment for a shorter amount of time, according to a study presented Nov. 5, at the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology's 48th Annual Meeting in Philadelphia.
Additional hormone therapy use after radiation for some prostate cancers extends survival EurekAlert!
The largest study examining the benefits of long-term use of hormone therapy after radiation treatment for prostate cancer shows men with aggressive locally advanced disease live longer if hormones are used for an additional 24 months.
Analysis: Stopping prostate cancer spread UPI
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 8 (UPI) -- Researchers said that a new look at a critical study on treatment of prostate cancer indicates that use of anti-hormone therapy can prevent spread of the disease.
'PSA Bounce' After Prostate Cancer Treatment Doesn't Affect Survival HealthDay via Yahoo! News
WEDNESDAY, Nov. 8 (HealthDay News) -- For men with prostate cancer, a rise in PSA levels after radiation therapy -- called PSA bounce -- is not clinically relevant and doesn't affect survival, researchers from Fox Chase Cancer Center report.
Prostate Cancer Test 'Bounce' Not A Worry CBS News
Men who have a temporary rise on a prostate test after radiation therapy for prostate cancer are no more likely to die over the next 10 years than those whose levels don't fluctuate, according to the largest, longest study of its kind.
Prostate Cancer Test 'Bounce' No Worry CBS News
Men who have a temporary rise in a prostate test after radiation therapy for prostate cancer are no more likely to die over the next 10 years than those whose levels do not go up and down, according to the largest, longest study of its kind.
Largest PSA Bounce Study Eases Worry Of Prostate Cancer Returning Science Daily
Prostate cancer patients who have a temporary rise in their prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels after radiation therapy -- called a PSA bounce -- are not at an increased risk of their cancer coming back any more than those who don't have a temporary rise, according to the largest study of its kind presented November 8, 2006, at the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology's 48th
New System Spots At-Risk Prostate Cancer Patients HealthDay via Yahoo! News
WEDNESDAY, Nov. 8 (HealthDay News) -- U.S. experts have devised a new classification system to evaluate prostate cancer patients after they have undergone radiation treatment.

UrologyHealth.org - Adult Conditions - Prostate - Hormone Therapy
What can be expected after hormone therapy for prostate cancer? While hormonal therapy can Irregular hormone therapy as a treatment for prostate cancer.
What is hormone therapy?
This page is about hormone therapy for prostate cancer. You can scroll down the page to read all the information here.
Prostate Cancer - Hormonal Therapy
Hormonal therapy is the major treatment option for cancer which has already spread beyond the prostate region, or has recurred following initial treatment
Prostate Cancer, Side Effects of Hormone Therapy, Seattle
Any man considering hormone therapy will want to weigh the risks and benefits of the Nutrition and Prostate Cancer Definitions: Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer: Hormone Therapy: Hormonal Treatment
The experts at CTCA use hormone therapy for prostate cancer treatment. Please visit our site today to learn about your prostate cancer treatment options in

Prostate Cancer - Hormonal Therapy
Hormonal therapy is the major treatment option for cancer which has already spread beyond the prostate region, or has recurred following initial treatment
Prostate Cancer, Side Effects of Hormone Therapy, Seattle
Any man considering hormone therapy will want to weigh the risks and benefits of the Nutrition and Prostate Cancer Definitions: Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer: Hormone Therapy: Hormonal Treatment
The experts at CTCA use hormone therapy for prostate cancer treatment. Please visit our site today to learn about your prostate cancer treatment options in
ACS :: Prostate Cancer Hormone Therapy May Have Unwelcome Side Effects
Hormone therapy may put men with prostate cancer at greater risk of developing diabetes and heart disease, new research suggests.
USNews.com: Health: Prostate Cancer: Hormone therapy
Thus, hormone therapy is useful for the treatment of prostate cancer but does not Hormone therapy used to be reserved for men whose prostate cancer had
Hormone Therapy in Prostate Cancer - Prostate Cancer Research
In fact, in Walsh’s book The Prostate neoadjuvant therapy is criticized with the statement: hormone therapy is not a vacuum cleaner-it can’t suck the cancer
Prostate Cancer Treatment Options -- familydoctor.org
While prostate cancer usually responds to 1 or 2 years of hormone therapy, after some time most tumors start to grow again. Once this happens, the treatment
Prostate Cancer Hormone Therapy Affects Thinking - Cancer
Information on many different cancers includes symptoms, cancer detection and prevention, and treatment options.
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