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Hat, Hats and lots more free patterns for hats!
There will be many babies born this winter, and some will be tiny preemies who will need a hat in the hospital and need one or 2 to go home when they hit that magic 4 lbs or so. I hope you will make a few to donate to a hospital near
Marianne just had her second preemie, at 33w3d. Lost inside the teensy-tiny preemie-sized pajamas their parents were finally allowed to bring in. And that little sleeper (along with a lot of other preemie and newborn-sized
Monday Photo Shoot::nest building
There are preemie buntings available and are oh so cute (and expensive) but because I am a bit of old school when it comes to caring for these tiny wonders, I believe in using blanket rolls to encourage the tiniest of babies to curl
At Least We Voted
I've been trapped in my house for the past two days with sick kidsagain. The evening was a complete bust as far as eating goes. The girls wouldn't eat one bite at dinner, even though I made their favorite (hot dogs and green beans).
Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear Aaron Happy birthday to you!!! Can't believe my little Bug-A-Boo is 3 years old! I love the little dude he's becoming. And that he's finally become a mama's boy.
It's election dayDo you know where your ballot is? I'm not a very political person, but this election day feels different. Lots at stake, so just remember to take time out and GO VOTE! Here in Oregon it's through the mail,
Halloween, Progress & Pregnancy Woes
Kyle was so interested in Halloween this year. As every treater came to the door, he had to check them out with a big grin on his face. He was even trying to reopen the door after they left (scary, since he can unlock the door too now).
Fashionable Growth
Yesterday we participated in the second annual NICU fashion show, Fashionable Growth: Something to be Thankful For. The girls modeled at last year's show. This year mommy was a model also. Daddy was happy to participate, but wasn't into
34 weeks precious Preemie LTD 37/100
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November = "The month of Hall's"
Love these new photos of the girls. They are so sweet, and really interacting with one another. I really love the stage they're in right now. They're starting to explore, and have become interested in everything around them.

Preemie Info - Stories & News
premature babies pictures, pictures of premature babies, premature baby stories, premature babies, micro preemies, premie babies, preemies and nicu,
Preemie Twins
Resource for parents of multiples and premature infants.
A Primer on Preemies
Premature infants have many special needs that make their care different from that of full-term infants.
Preemie Magazine Online - HOME
Preemie Magazine - The home for Preemies and Parents on the web, Preemie Magazine is a FREE print magazine and FREE online community for parents of preemies
Resources for Parents of Preemies
Links to other preemie resources.

A Primer on Preemies
Premature infants have many special needs that make their care different from that of full-term infants.
Taking Your Preemie Home
If you're anxious about caring for your preemie at home, try to relax. With some preparation and planning, you will be ready.
Preemie Magazine Online - HOME
Preemie Magazine - The home for Preemies and Parents on the web, Preemie Magazine is a FREE print magazine and FREE online community for parents of preemies
Resources for Parents of Preemies
Links to other preemie resources.
Preemie Parent Page
Inspirational articles about preemie babies and their care.
Preemie Parenting Resources
Offers resources for parents of preemies, including: birth stories, medical causes of prematurity, support groups, medical complications and special needs.
Meriter Health Services - Preemie Health
Preemie Health. Understanding and Parenting Your Preemie Later Problems of Former Preemies Review the problems you may encounter as your child grows
Knitting and crochet patterns for preemie and full term babies.
Free knit and crochet patterns to make preemie and fullterm baby hats, booties, mittens, afghans, bibs, and burial gowns. Also, projects listed to help.
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