Admistrators: Raffaello Lena and Christian  Wöhler


Classification schemes



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Consolidated Lunar Dome Catalogue
Presentation ON 1 

The Consolidated Lunar Dome Catalogue contains all lunar domes which have been studied in detail by the GLR group and for which reasonably accurate morphometric properties could be determined. The catalogue is continuously updated according to ongoing observing and modelling activities. For each dome, the following dome properties are listed:

ID: Label of the dome according to the scheme used in the articles published by the GLR group.

longitude: Selenographic longitude of the dome centre in degrees (positive in eastern direction)

latitude: Selenographic latitude of the dome centre in degrees (positive in northern direction)

750 nm albedo: Albedo of the soil at 750 nm according to Clementine UVVIS data

415/750: Reflectance ratio between 415 nm and 750 nm according to Clementine UVVIS data. This reflectance ratio is an indicator of the titanium dioxide (TiO2) content of the soil.

950/750: Reflectance ratio between 950 nm and 750 nm according to Clementine UVVIS data. This reflectance ratio is an indicator of the iron oxide (FeO) content of the soil but also of its optical maturity.

slope: Average inclination angle of the dome flank in degrees

D: Base diameter of the dome in kilometres

h: Average height of the dome summit above the surrounding surface in metres

V: Volume of the dome edifice in cubic kilometres

f: Form factor (1/3 for conical shape, 1/2 for parabolic shape, 1 for cylindrical shape)

Dc: Average diameter of the summit vent (if present) in kilometres

class: Dome class according to the classification scheme introduced by Wöhler et al. (2006), Icarus 183(2),  which has been extended and related to the modelled rheologic properties of the dome-forming magma by Lena (2007), Selenology Today 5. A classification scheme for intrusive lunar domes has been introduced by Lena et al. (2008), Selenology Today 10.

name: Traditional name of the dome or name according to previous catalogues


Classification schemes

