Joseph Lucius Iorizzo M.D.


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                                                                         Doct.Joseph L. Jorizzo born and grew up in Italy

                                                                 graduating at Rome University, married Margaret R. Volpe.

                           They  lived in Rochester USA, where he died very young.

                        He was a very important and  special Jorizzo in the family

                                     much  loved and esteemed  by all relatives

                                                                             He  was also a great and versatile artist


                                                                           their  children are: Joseph L., Johanna, Paul


                                                                   Joseph L. Jorizzo jr M.D. –

                                                                               Professor and  Chair of Dept of Dermatology.

                                                                                                Wake Forest University                                      

                                                                                                       North Carolina

A leader in the field of dermatology, Dr. Jorizzo is a past member of the AAD’s Board of Directors. In addition, he has served on numerous Academy Committees and Task Forces. Dr. Jorizzo is also the author of more than 150 publications..

SAN FRANCISCO (March 26, 2003)Winston-Salem dermatologist, Joseph L. Jorizzo, MD, took office today as Vice President of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), the world’s largest dermatologic society,.



                                                                           Joseph (Jeppie) with his wife Irene Carros



                                          his children   Melina, John, Michael                     The Jorizzo’s in Italy with Daria



                                              Roberta, Jeppie and Michael  in London


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                                                                                         Paul Jorizzo-M.D.

                                                              Fellow of the American Academyof Ophthalmology                                                                                                                                                                                       Oregon



                                                                            his wife Vera and children

                                                                                                                                     Mattews and Kristine


          Johanna Jorizzo M.D.

                    Assistant Professo

      Division of Radiologic Sciences

              Wake Forest University               

                      North Carolina



                                       her husband                                                                   their children


                                                     David Schreiner M.D.                                         Elena and Daniel with their dog


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