GP4 ITALIA - News Ferrari F2005 con livrea Tabacco per i GP d'Ungheria e di Germania (Hungaroring e Hockenheim) 2005 by Nicola Acciarri (carshape), Ã-ggo & LordKamder - the Ultimate F1 Gamers Source Unofficial GP3 Season 2002 carset for [original carshape ] Download For your convenience the Files which are necessary for this GP3 carset 2000 update - the Ultimate F1 Gamers Source about 13 MB free diskspace in your GP3 season 2000-directory. Team and Driver Names & a generic Season 2002 carshape (by Nicola Acciarri) GP3 Downloads - Dateilansicht: GP3 Update 2002 GPxPatchIM - GP3 online spielen - neues Saison 2002 Carshape 20.10.2005 16:25, der download funzt super%2C DANKE%21%21%21 F1 IS THE BEST - the Ultimate F1 Gamers Source [This car is made for the original GP3, v1.13, NOT for GP3 2000 season. It is optimized for the carshape which came with the carsetversion 2001 v.2.02c] - the Ultimate F1 Gamers Source about 13 MB free diskspace in your GP3 season 2000-directory. Team and Driver Names & a generic Season 2002 carshape (by Nicola Acciarri) - the Ultimate F1 Gamers Source [This car is made for the original GP3, v1.13, NOT for GP3 2000 season. It is optimized for the carshape which came with the carsetversion 2001 v.2.02c] Downforce :: Exibir tópico - GP3 carset 2005 da f1 alguem tem Por enquanto, a única coisa que temos para 2005 é um carshape beta, de minha autoria, O melhor é que o GP3 é fácil de editar, o GP4 por exemplo é muito CARSHAPE GP3 OVAL CUP 2005: GP3 Oval Cup 2005 Carshape. init, car, damage, cc checksum: ad9598d4, 670c935c, 237f753c, 97b3dc98. ONDE O NÃsMERO DESTACADO EM VERDE REFERE-SE AO CARSHAPE. Grand Prix Games - The community place :: Grand Prix 3 :: GP3 Re: GP3 carshapes. Date: October 31, 2005 03:41AM. Posted by: saturdaynight (IP Logged). Nice work! I think there is also an early nineties carshape that Valaki tud egy helyet ahonnan le lehet tölteni 2005 - ös carsetet. Az nincs, gp3-mal kezdtem.:) mondom, aszzem 3 éve, 2001-ben (ha minden igaz) home 25.03.05 - new EVDJS 2005 carshape - Final version 25.03.05 - new track : Aisne Folembray - France 07.03.04 - new carset based on the Melbourne GP 2004 Fórum Velocidade / Bestlap :: Exibir tópico - GP3 FOVE 2005 - GP -Quem correu o campeonato de inverno, desmarquem a op??o de carshape no GPxPach!!! GO GP3 !!!! Concordo. Mensagem Enviada: Seg Mar 07, 2005 12:49 pm