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    Sony Announces $1,800 VAIO UX UMPC Abary, vice president of VAIO product marketing at Sony Electronics in the U.S. For those of you intrigued by Sony’s new VAIO, the ticket price is $1,800 and the show begins in July of this year. You can preorder the unit from SonyStyle right now.
    Sony Announces $1,800 VAIO UX UMPC Abary, vice president of VAIO product marketing at Sony Electronics in the U.S. For those of you intrigued by Sony’s new VAIO, the ticket price is $1,800 and the show begins in July of this year. You can preorder the unit from SonyStyle right now.
    Email Marketing a new player to the game: Sony. Here’s the real kicker though, Sony claims the whole ultraportable weighs in at just 1.2lbs.Rather than just enter the fray with a cookie-cutter “been there, done that” design with its new VAIO UX, Sony has decided to spice

    theVooner.com Review - Sony Vaio VGN-T17GP Review
    DATA[ THEVOONER.COM REVIEW 01 Dec 2004 Sony Vaio VGN-T17GP Review by theVooner It's only been just over 3 months that I got my U70. I really enjoyed the size of
    MobileTechNews - Wi-Fi-ing with the Vaio PCG-TR1A
    DATA[Mobile Technology News and Information Topics Mobile Tech News Tuesday, May 31 Headlines Contact us Search the archives: complete archives list Featured
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    Sony VAIO VGN-A140 used, new, refurbished laptops and notebooks
    DATA[Sony VAIO VGN-A140 all you ever wanted to know about used, refurbished, new Sony VAIO VGN-A140 laptops and notebooks. Sony VAIO VGN-A140 used, new,
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    infoSync World Sony VAIO VGN-T350 integrates EDGE connectivity
    DATA[11 May 2005 - The latest VAIO from Sony isn't merely an ultraportable with good looks; the VGN-T350 also boasts integrated WAN connectivity courtesy of EDGE
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    Sony Vaio TX3XP: 10 ore di autonomia e TPM 1.2 - Hardware Upgrade
    Sony ha aggiornato la propria linea di notebook ultaportatili Vaio TX. La terza generazione di questa famiglia utilizza una cpu Intel Core Solo ULV che
    Sony Vaio-Link / European VAIO Service and Support Site
    Welcome to Vaio-Link, the European Vaio Notebook and Desktop Support Website.
    Anteprima: in prova il nuovo Sony Vaio VGN-FE11S con Intel Duo
    Prezzo conventiente, dotazione software eccezionale e prestazioni di buon livello per il nuovo Sony Vaio VGN-FE11S con Intel Duo Mobile Technology.

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