G I U S E P P E -- C A P I N E R I


Giuseppe Capineri was born in Florence where he lived and worked in his studio in Borgo Pinti. His career started very early: he worked in the fieid of graphics for Italian and German publishers and studied at the "Accademia di Belle Arti" of Florence with prof. Mannucci. After the first prize in 1967 won at a competition in Seravezza (Forte dei Marmi), his carrer has proceeded with many exhibitions in Italy and abroad, often successfully rewarded with prizes and accomplishments.

Capineri is member of several artistic groups such as "Gruppo Donatello", "Circolo Artistico della Società di belle Arti", "Associazione Acquerellisti" of Milan-Roma and the "European Institute of Watercolours" of Bruxelles. He has given 45 exhibitions in ltaly and abroad and has taken part in group exhibitions of high artistic quality The French magazine 'Vogue" dedicated a few pages to his work in 1977 and 1978 when he gave three exhibitions in Paris. One of his paintings is part of the collection "Il Museo dei Musei" shown at Palazzo Strozzi in Florence and in Japan. In 1990 he won the firts prize at the international watercolour competition "La Sciara di Stromboli" (Aeolian Islands). Capineri has painted several murales: one is at Lizzano Pistoiese (Pistoia) in honour of the 5th American Troup, another in memory of the ski champion Zeno Colò and the latest one in Florence representing a sport subject (a group of cyclists) and the portrait of the sculptor Mario Moschi. He also produced many engravings and litographs.

In his paintings, Capineri was inspired by nature and his favourite themes were flowers and landscapes. He developed in a post-impressionistic environment of naturalistic attitudes and he brightly and honestly expressed his art in lively watercolours and rich oil paintings.

Reviews can be found in:
« Bolaffi Arte », aprile 1974; « L'Avvenire »; « Il Tempo » di Roma; « Il Telegrafo »; « L'Espoir »; « Nice Matin », di Montecarlo; « La Nazione »; « Eco d'Arte »; « La Zattera »; « Il Subbio »; « Nuovi Orizzonti »; « Rassegna d'Arte Contemporanea »; « Teleuropa »; « Il Trittico »; « L'arena di Verona »; « Il Tascabile »; « Giornale d'Italia »; RAI « Gazzettino Toscano »; « Il Gazzettino di Padova »; « il Resto dei Carlino »; « Il Messaggero »; « Il Tirreno »; « L'Osservatore Romano »; « Il Quindicinale »; « Il Secolo »; « L'Amateur d'art »; « Le Peintre »; « Vogue »; « Connaissance des arts »; « L'Arche » di Parigi; « Versilia oggi »; « il Risveglio »; « Associazione Italiana Acquerellisti » di Milano; « Il Punto Sette » di Busto Arsizio; « Dizionario Internazionale degli Acquerellisti » 1985

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